Chapter 7

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I was standing next to Spain. We hid behind a giant pillar in the grand hall. There were at least Sixteen of them. We watched as my father shared the news. I searched the crowd trying to find Uk. Of course, it was easy to find him next to his father. The crowd at first was shocked, then clapped. I spotted Italy, who so happens to be running away. "Go get your man," I whispered. "On it," He responded and dashed. "Uh, Spain, mon chéri, where are you going?" his mother asked. No response. I realized Uk was gloomy. He looked down. I can't be like Spain and go after him. So I just remained behind the pillar.

It has been a couple of days since my father announced the marriage. The festival was cancelled due to heavy rain. I sat by the window staring into the gloominess of the grey sky. The rain was pouring and pounding down. I wondered how Spain was doing, or Italy, or Uk. It was clearly my fault, I shouldn't have left that note there. I've been avoiding Uk and Italy. 

Then there was a knock on the door. The person stood there was Uk. "U-Uk, what are you doing here?" I asked trying to hide the sadness in my voice. "I want to know why you've been avoiding me," Uk said. "W-well, after what happened about t-the...marriage, I-thought you wouldn't want to see m-me-e-e again," I said. My voice was clearly breaking. "Hey, you know. Why did your parents have the idea to put you and Spain in a marriage?" Uk asked reaching for my hand. "I-it was my fault alright! I left a note for you, b-but I completely forgot to write who it was for!" I cried hugging him. "I-its, fine," Uk said. 

He tried his best to calm me, talk to me. Do anything but the last thing he could do was just be by my side. 

I was resting my head on his shoulder, and his arm was wrapped around me. "I wish we could stay like this forever," I said staring into the window. Slowly the rain stopped, the moon appeared beneath the clouds and the stars remained bright...but of course, the moment wouldn't last forever. 

Mother and father burst through the door, with his parents. "France? What is the meaning of this? Cuddling with the English son?" Father screamed. "W-wait," I started. "United kingdom, you absolutely disgrace! I told you not to touch, or go near the French daughter," His father yelled. "Father!" Uk yelled. "NO! You're only just a boy! Don't talk back to me! We're leaving now." His father said dragging Uk. 

After they were gone, I was left crying by the window with my father yelling at me. My mother just gave me a disapproving look. "DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU ARE BANNED FROM EVER SEEING HIM AGAIN!" He shouted banging on the wall. I nodded still having tears coming down. 

I awoke the next day with red bags under my eyes. It was a clear sign I had been crying. I quickly got dressed in a large dress and my hair was in a bun. I had my crown tucked in, today was the day everyone was leaving. The maids had already packed up the bags and everything. I wasn't sure when the marriage was held. To be honest I was scared it would be too soon. 

I walked into the great hall, looking like a model with a terrible face. I noticed Italy wasn't there. Spain however looked terrible. He kept falling asleep. I sat down and reached for the piece of bread in the middle. However this time the table was entirely quiet. I guessed no one wanted to talk about last night and I was very sure everyone heard our fathers yelling last night. 

We quietly ate, and a guard kept popping in and out. I saw Uk across, he looked like he was furious. He kept hitting his eggs. "S-So, how's everyone doing?" Italy asked coming in. He was hiding behind the door. Everyone looked at him then at me, then at Uk, then in Spain. "Why's everyone so quiet?" He asked sitting down. Far away from Spain. "Just not in the mood to talk," Uk said. Italy nodded. 

I stood outside in the Courtyard waiting for my father to come out. I watched as all my friends waved goodbye and good luck to me. I spotted Spain and he spotted me. He smiled and waved and I smiled and waved. Awkward. 

I sat beside my father, and I looked out the window. Uk was there waving goodbye. I signed once more and turned away. "Why is Spain looking at Italy like that?" My father asked. I shrugged. "Hope they're not gay," He replied. I signed once again. This was going to be a long ride. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt