Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe what I said, more importantly, what he said. I was going to marry Spain? We just saw each other as friends, more importantly, I think he had eyes for Italy. Father said we were going to announce the marriage deal tomorrow. After he consults with Spain's parents. 

God, it was terrifying. It was another sleepless night. I kept thinking of all the possibilities. I mean we've just become lovers last night and here we are, going to break up because I made a dumb mistake. God, isn't this young love? 

I stressed out the entire night, not having any sleep. I fumbled around, rolling off beds. The walls were very soundproof, but not soundproof enough for Uk's dad's screaming. 

I was tired, I had bags under my eyes, and it seemed Spain agreed with me. We both kept dumping warm orange juice on eggs. Disgusting. "Hey, are you guys okay?" Uk asked. I looked at him, then threw my head down. "Spain, are you okay?" Italy asked. He looked really worried for Spain, I felt so sorry for him. I really hated this, and I knew Spain hated it too. "God, this is a nightmare," Spain signed, "agreed," I said. "What do you mean?" Mongolia asked. "That news will be revealed today at night," I said signing. "Whatever you say," Uk said walking over to me. He then planted a kiss on my head. My cheeks flushed and everyone the sound "Ooo~". "Oh shut it," I said. They smirked and smiled. "How long have you two been together?" Spain asked. "Just yesterday night," Uk smiled. Spain then possibly fainted. 

So yea, he fainted. I don't know due to the fact that his nation is insanely hot, or it was the stress, or it was Italy. 

So right now we are sitting in the clinic. Spain is lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. "so..." I started. "This is a disaster," Spain said. "I really didn't want this to be happening," I said. "I don't understand, why couldn't you tell your parents that it was meant for Uk," Spain asked. "Don't you know? Me and Uk's family have a rivalry. I'm honestly scared." I panicked. "I don't want to get married," I said, "Neither do I," Spain agreed. "I mean you got Italy and I got Uk," I said, at first he nodded then he realized what I said. "Wait what?" He said staring at me. I smiled. Then I laughed because he was blushing like crazy. 

Then our parents walked in, at this moment. It looked like I made him blush or something, well I did, but in a friendly way. "Awe, look at this cute moment!" Mother said. "O-oh hello mother," I said. "This is such a cute moment," Spain's mother said. "Thank you..." I said holding Spain's hand. He gave me a look that meant 'What are you doing?' and I shot him back with a 'Making this real, DUH'. 

The entire time they were showering us with their blessing. "You've earned our blessing," Mother said smiling. "You were the one who put us up to this," I said trying to make it sound like a joke. "Aw," Spain's mother said pinching Spain's cheek. I signed, and I could see the pain in Spain's eyes, he was like Spain was without the S. "Kiss!" My mother said I stared at her. Then in Spain. "I-" I started. "Come on!" Both mothers cheered. "Don't you need to announce the marriage?" I asked the father. "Oh right, come on now. Let's leave the love birds together." My father said dragging my mother out of the room. 

After they left I signed and looked at Spain. "What are we going to do," I groaned. "I don't know, now I know have don't even have a chance with Italy," Spain signed. "Aha! So you do admit you like Italy!" I pointed my finger at him. "Hey! Pointing is bad!" He yelled. 

We tried to make jokes and make the most of it before our worst moment comes. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Where stories live. Discover now