Chapter 2

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Uk was collecting his books in the library. It had been years since his father forbid him to see France. Even if they only met for a couple of hours, he felt like it was years of his life. He smiled thinking of the memory, her smile warmed his heart and god he thought it was cheesy. 

He slowly pushed the brown wooden doors open and walked into the hallway. Countries filled the halls talking to each other. Exchanging numbers. Talking about home life. He himself just wanted to find Spain, Russia, Mongolia and China (The only reason China is here because three kingdom periods ruled over). 

When he found the four talking to another country it seemed. He made a 'Hmf' sound which caught their attention. "oh, United Kingdom," Spain said turning around. "What brings you here?" "Well, I want to know who is sitting there?" He asked. "This is France, she is the daughter of the French Empire. Well Second French Empire." Russia replied. 

He stared at her, she was so different but she looked beautiful. "Uk, it seems we met again," She said smiling sheepishly. "France," I said once more. "You guys met?" China asked. We both nodded. "Well, that's good since we don't need to introduce the two of the biggest empire children's," Spain said smirking. Mongolia nodded smiling. "Haha. Funny." Uk said without an actual laugh and sat down. 

The six talked and read their textbooks. "Didn't your father say there was this festival where all the empires, dynasties and kingdoms are invited?" Mongolia asked, "Yea," He replied reading the book. "So does that mean my empire is also invited?" France asked. Uk paused for a second. "I..m not sure," He responded. "I'm sure the Second French Empire is invited," Spain responded. "Well, I better make sure I find something nice to wear!" France exclaimed. Uk smiled but hid it behind a large textbook. 

A couple of hours have passed until the bell rang. As everyone made their way outside, some waved goodbye to Uk and said 'Hi'. "See you soon United Kingdom!". "We'll see you soon!". He'd always been the popular one since he was the largest empire. 

His ride was waiting for him outside. He took one last glance at France with her mother (I made her father French Empire, and her mother Second French Empire). She hugged her mother and got in there with her. "York is the French Empire invited to the festival?" Uk asked. "I believe so," York replied opening the door. "But do remember, your father is very strict about who you talk to," York said. Uk nodded not wanting to be reminded about it. His father is insanely strict and homophobic. It gets insanely annoying sometimes. 

When he arrived, he flopped onto his bedroom as soon as possible. All the work his father made him do drove him nuts, but he knew better than to argue. Every day his father was way too busy to spend time with him. Not to mention he always stacked his studies more. "Sir, your father requests to meet you," Cambridge asked. Uk groaned. He sat up straight and walked outside. 

The British empire was sitting across the table patiently tapping. "You need me?" He asked. "Attitude, young man." He said. "Oh sorry," Britain whined walking out the door. Then he burst in. "SUP BITCHES"  He shouted. "UNITED KINGDOM!" British empire smacked the table. "Redo it once more, and watch your language." He said. UK walked out, then walked outside. He walked in once more. "Ya need something, old man?" Britan said smirking. British Empire signed and narrowed his eyebrows. "How long are we going to do this?" He said. Uk shrugged. 

After a couple of hours, he finally got Uk to walk in politely. "You've called me, father?" Uk said. "Sloppy." He said coldly. Uk rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "But better, anyways, I want you to be the best prince in the entire festival.  Not to mention you are not allowed to talk to the French Empire's daughter. ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN." He shouted. The sound echo through the entire castle. "Yes father," Uk said looking down. "Now, leave I've got more work." He said lifting paper. United Kingdom signed and walked away.

Flopping on the bed once more he decided to jump out a window. Surprising right? Well, that's what he did. He grabbed his blanket, tied it to the bed. He threw it out the window and jumped. "HAHAAAAA" He screamed as he slid down. Of course, there were guards, but he might've flopped onto one. "oof," Uk said. "Arghhhh...". "Sorry!" Uk said hitting the guard on the head and he dropped. Well, his head dropped. He sat up and rubbed his head looking around. The festival was in a couple of days and he did not want to spend every moment of those days learning how to properly eat, but the tea was good. 

Slowly he rose, smelling the fresh air. It was refreshing indeed but the question was how on earth was he supposed to get out of the castle without being seen by anyone? He turned around and spotted a bush. 

The big idea was to sneak away in a bush-like one of those cartoons. He found those ways very unrealistic, but today was the day he was going to test that theory. 

Carefully making sure there was a bush big enough for him, he tried with all his might to pull it. It broke into half, but he still fit. Slowly he got into the bush, it was pointy and uncomfortable. He was sure his father was going kill for sneaking out of the castle, and getting the clothes dirty and getting his hair entwined with branches and leaves. Slowly he made his way across the grass. Luckily there weren't many guards there. 

If he were to get caught everything would end. So his paranoia started kicking in. Stoping at every turn. 

As if it was a miracle he had made it. The wall was made out of stone and of course, it had vines that hopefully were strong enough to hold a country. Uk grabbed the vine, first it broke, second snatched the entire thing off. Third well the third just flung him over the wall. 

At first it seemed scary but when he landed, which was in another bush. It seemed like the most adventure he's ever had. It took him about five minutes to get up since no one decided to cut these bushes. He wanted to keep the leaves and twigs in his hair to make him look less princely. If only his father allowed to wear 'peasant' clothing. Like a t-shirt and some jeans? Something like that. 

As if on cue, as thick and sharp twig caught the end of his blouse. As he tried to tug it away quickly it pulled it off. Seemly his wish of wearing a t-shirt worked instead it was long-sleeved. He signed and wondered how he'd tell his father about this. (referring myself to using the word 'slowly')

As he explored the town, he realized the villagers were getting ready to welcome the other kingdoms, empires or dynasties. They cooked and baked and decorated. There were all different kinds of flags. Yet there was not a single French one. Signing He walked around. No one gave him a look, no one waved, no one bowed or asked how he was doing. It was as if he never existed. This was exciting for him, since everywhere he went, people always gave him attention. Sure he was almost old enough to rule, but sometimes he missed being a child. "Yo kid," Someone said, Uk turned around to be facing a butcher. "Aren't you too old to be celebrating?" He asked. Uk shrugged. "well, all the kids your age should be studying, they want to make the kingdom proud you know." The butcher said waving his knife around. 

Uk was scared of his knife as he waved it around but tried to keep his cool. "Well, the library is over there if you want to read," He said point across the road. United Kingdom nodded and smiled. Giggling as he walked towards the library. He'd never been to this villager's library. Sure he's been in the library in the castle, the one in the school, but he's never been to this one. Curious about exploring everything he went inside and opened the double oak doors. 

The bookshelves weren't plastic or marble, instead they were wood or oak. It was very simple. He wondered around the shelves admiring the oak wood. Almost touching everything. It was dusty since barely anyone came in here. He then spotted a group of people nearby, the same age as him studying. Uk rolled his eyes and smiled and walked away. It didn't bother him that other people were studying and he was not. 

For hours he once again wandered through the town. Stopping and window shopping. Suddenly the royal guards were marching towards the town square. "We are here to inform the town that Prince United Kingdom has ran off into the village. So until we find him, the entire town will be under lockdown but the festival is still going to be on." He said. Some villagers exchanged looks then nodded. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Where stories live. Discover now