Chapter 5

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{France's POV}

I stayed in one of the guest bedrooms. My parents were just too loud at night. It is so annoying and gross. I sat up late staring into the courtyard. The balcony was open, sure it wasn't that big, but the air was refreshing. 

I looked into the starry night where the moon was insanely bright and big. It was a cloudless night. I was wearing a white silk gown. I couldn't sleep, thinking about what happened last night. Just thinking about it made my cheeks flush. He was just so...calm about it. The memory of it was flourishing around my head. 

It was a sleepless night. I was insanely tired as I sat down in the main dining hall. The other children's countries were sitting there as well. It was amazing, since we were acting like childish disgraces according to our parents, yet when they came in. We were completely polite. United Kingdom was the most childish in the entire group. He may look serious, but he was always so shy and funny. "Can I have some French/English pudding?" We both said at the same time, except that I said English and he said French. "I thought it was called French/English pudding." We said once more. "I thought you made it," We both said once more. Our friends looked at us with curiosity. "Is something going on between you two?" Spain asked. Uk shrugged and I did nothing. "Anyways, whatever pudding here you go," China said passing it. He of course sat in the middle. "Thank you/merci," We said once more. Okay, I said thank you and he said merci. "Woah, what is happening?" Russia asked. "Someone is becoming French and someone is becoming English." Spain joked. Uk rolled his eyes and smiled. 

The breakfast was amazing. It was awesome. We had insane fun and not to mention we mocked our parents. I'm sure our parents would say 'wE diD nOT rASIe YoU tO AcT lIke THiS!'. 

"So our parents are going to have a meeting today, how about we write cards to each other?" Spain asked. "Why not," Uk responded. There was a murmur of agreement. "Alright see each other one hour before lunch then," Mongolia said. 

So there I was, laying on my bed kicking my legs writing a love letter to Uk. God, it was so cheesy. I was almost embarrassed to give it to Uk. I was flopping around, making a mess. Thinking words that rhymed with 'Love'. 

I had sat there for an hour staring outside dreaming about Uk. That I completely forgot the fact that it was almost lunch. Well, I didn't realize myself. My father told me. 

"Que voulez-vous dire par déjeuner?!" (What do you mean its lunch?!) I freaked out. "En tant que princesse, vous devez vraiment garder une trace du temps." (As a princess, you should really keep in track of time.) Dad told me. "Je suis désolé!" (I'm Sorry!) I said pushing my hair back. He signed and nodded. "Dépêchez-vous?" (Hurry up would ya?) He asked. I nodded quickly. 

I had to brush my hair, splash water on my face, take a look in the mirror. Then walked outside. "Pourquoi es-tu habillé comme ça?" (Why are you dressed like that?) He asked. "Oh, ce n'est rien" (Oh, it's nothing) I said waving it off. "mhm," he said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. 

Sure he can be controlling sometimes, but really I do love my father. We walked to the dining hall once again. I sat beside my mother and she sat beside her lover. We sat on the other side of the table, and across is Britain and is father. 

Lunch was so boring, since our parents were here the conversation was just boring. We just asked how our kingdoms/empires/dynasties were doing. There were no jokes, unless you count the countless jokes that Uk made. Of course, his father scolded him and yes sometimes we did laugh. "China, can you please pass the French/English pudding?" We said once again, and yes I said English and he said, French. "I mean the English/French pudding." This time I said French he said English. The poor Chinese was so confused. "It's obvious it's the French/English." My father said French and his father said English. "It's French/English!" They both yelled. I signed and so did the others. "Who am I giving the pudding to?" China asked. "Not now China," Qing said. The Chinese nodded and set the pudding aside. 

So that was exactly what happened to durn the entire lunch. We got some time alone to just me and our friends. We explored the town and ate at the bakery. Smiling and laughing we had a lot of fun. The entire day was just a short journey. Of course, my father told me that the real festival was horrible, and it was tomorrow.  

I was insanely tired when I got to the guest bedroom. I walked in there to see my mother and father sitting on the couch. "Euh ... Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici?" (Uh...What are you two doing here?) I asked. "Eh Bien ... nous avons trouvé ça,"(Well...we found this,) Father said holding the card I wrote for Uk. Uh-oh, I was dead. "Eh bien ~ Pour qui est-ce ~" (Well~ Who is it for~) My mother asked me with a smug look. 

Wait...I just realized that I signed it, but I never wrote who it's for. "Laisse-moi deviner ~ C'est l'Espagne n'est-ce pas? ~" (Let me guess~ It's Spain isn't it?~) My mother winked. "OUI" (YES) I responded. My parents gasped. 

I died that night. They kept talking about it, how he was so hot etc. "Je vais organizer un mariage!" (I'm going to arrange a marriage!) Father exclaimed. "W-wait what?" I said. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Where stories live. Discover now