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You might know what I'm talking about... no? Oh well...

Cam: Ehehehehehehe this is going to be fun!

Brunei: you can say that

~~~Distracting Myanmar~~~

Brunei: you do it!

Cam: no, you do!

Brunei: rock paper scissors?

Cam: okey!


Cam: *paper*

Brunei: *scissors*    hah

Cam: fine... *walks up to Myanmar*

Myan: *playing mobile legends*

Cam: Yo Myan!!!

Myan: *still playing* what?

Cam: face me like a man Myan!

Myan: *looks up* WHAT?!

Cam: *does the distraction dance*

Myan: 😐😐😐

His phone: DEFEATED

Myan: CAAAMMMMMMMMBBOOOOODDIIIAAAA!!!!!!!!!  *chases after Cam*


~~~Distracting Singapopr~~~

Brunei: oof look at you Cam, you got bruises everywhere

Cam: ya think? Now do yours

Brunei: okey, okey *walks up to Singa*

Singa: *reading harry potter UwU*

Brunei: Singa

Singa: *not taking eyes off the book* hmm?

Brunei: put your book down and look at me for a second!

Singa: *annoyed* *put down his book* what?

Brunei: *does the distraction dance*

Singa: *throws Harry Potter at him* SERIOUSLY?!

Brunei: *oof*

~~~Distracting Vietnam ~~~

Viet: *at the back garden* *logical speaking, it's not really a garden but still*

Cam: *goes to the back garden*

Viet: *is planting veggies*

Cam: Viet!

Viet: what?

Cam: *does the distraction dance*

Viet: you're just wasting your time Cam, leave

Cam: oof

~~~Distracting Philippines~~~

Phil: *watching the tv*

Brunei: *slides in the scene*

Phil: Brunei, what the hay?

Brunei: *does the distraction dance *

Phil: BRUNEI!! I MISSED THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW!!!!  *throws a buncha pillows*

Brunei: AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'M SORRYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!  *runs away*

~~~ Distracting Malaysia~~~

Malay: *making a cup of milo*

Cam: hey mal!

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