8. Hurricane

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It was raining badly and I couldn't see much. The wind was almost pushing me back down. It was hard to fly like this. And the darkness just made it worse. I really couldn't see much. Just little figures flying around next to me. I guess they were the other players but I couldn't get out who was who. There were also no stars to see. How am I supposed to do anything when I can't even see. Alright Jin stop complaining and fly. Get yourself together. I told myself in my head and made my hands into fists. With a fast move I started to fly around and search for a star. My wings were freezing. I am sure I will be sick after this.
"That was easy." I heard someone say and I looked to my side. Not far away was Jiho staring at a star. How in heaven did he find one this fast. As he neared the star and wanted to grab it, a big flash hit him and after a loud scream he started to fall down.
"Oh no!" I was about to go after him and catch him but another big flash hit just before me. It almost hit me. When I looked again he was gone.

 When I looked again he was gone

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I couldn't see him anymore. The flash gave me some light for a moment but it was gone fast and I was in darkness again.
"One player is already out! 6 are left!" I heard a student screaming. Must be the commentator for today's game.
"Jin!" I heard my name and I turned around. It was Jongin.
"Who is out!?" He asked and tried to stay up in the sky. It was hard to fly.
"Jiho! I saw him falling down!" I answered and he nodded.
"Did you see a star yet?" Jongin asked.
"I did! Jiho tried to catch it before he fell!" I said and tried to go little closer but no use. Somehow if we wanna near other players it starts to rain even more.
"Alright but where is it now?!" He asked and looked around.
"It disappeared I guess.!" I answered also little confused.
"How?" He was frustrated and so was I.
"How should I know?!" I yelled little pissed now. Why is he asking that much.
"Alright alright. I will go and look for Jackson! He can't get a-" Before he could have finished the sentence something cut him off by flying against him and pushed him away making him lose his balance.
"What the..." Jongin straightened himself again and took a look at the thing flying against him. So did I but it was not something but someone.
"Well well. Who do we have here?" I knew that voice.

 Who do we have here?" I knew that voice

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"Jackson." I said angry.
"I know what you are trying to do and it won't work." He said with a huge smirk on his face.
"Everyone the first star was found! Lee Hongbin is in the next round." I heard through the microphone and I was confused. How in heaven did Hongbin find one in such a short time.
"It looks like only 3 stars are left and I will make sure no one of you gets them." Jackson said and suddenly started to fly up to Jongin. He backed up a little but Jackson was way to fast. He flew against him hard. Jongin rolled over and what happened next was the worst. A hurricane came which we didn't see before and Jongin landed right inside it. He started to spin around without stopping.
"What have you done!?" I screamed at Jackson and wanted to hit him but he flew away. What a jerk. How can someone like that be an angel.
"Jiiiin Heeelp!" Jongin was screaming. I tried to fly inside the hurican but it was way to fast and strong. Everytime I tried to go closer it rained even more. As if something tried to stope from saving him.
"Alright, now I am pissed." I said and with that I tried to fly around the hurricane but in the other way. I was flying faster then even and tried to slow the hurricane down. With the opposite cave I could slow it down a little. It almost stopped and Jongin finally flew out of it. He started to fall down.

"Jongin!!" I flew after him but he was falling way to fast

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"Jongin!!" I flew after him but he was falling way to fast. The next moment he landed inside a net.
"Jongin is out! Only 4 are left!" I suddenly heard. I couldn't save him...

 I couldn't save him

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Devil inside Angel - The Game // BTS NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now