22. Millions of Words

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Lena Jeramey

On our way to Hogwarts, I sketch out Rowan. She was sitting back on the window with her knees low up.

Rowan had a way of mincing her words, arms holding onto a book tightly over her freshly ironed uniform. For such a frail girl, she was kinda badass; I liked that.

She's kind like a Hufflepuff, creative like a Ravenclaw, determined like Gryffindor, but values ambition like a Slytherin.

She's more of a Hufflepuff if you ask me, but everyone thinks otherwise.

Yet she's, afraid.

She doesn't say the millions of words in her head because she's afraid of the millions of responses.

I remember first year, Draco and I had to hold her hand when meeting Professor McGonagall. Since then, she learned how to take care of herself.

I know she would never admit it, but I knew she wanted to be just like McGonagall; a professor at Hogwarts. Her eyes sparkle like in the movies whenever she would teach, or even when talking about boring spells that she already knew all about.

We all look at her from time to time. She looked extremely happy today; she had a smile as she kept her eyes on the pages of the book.

She doesn't realize when she reads, but she softly giggles; it makes everything feel brighter when she does.

We all smile at each other.

I look at Draco who watches her; he smiles at every low giggle she lets out. He's liked her almost all his life, well since first year. Sometimes all Blaise and I do is try to push them together. It doesn't seem to work, Rowan lives in her own world.

As much as she hates to admit it, she really doesn't need anyone. She said being single is more fun than running around a boy all her life. That ended pretty fast with her chasing after a Gryffindor. Or as Draco tells me, Gryffindork.

Her blue eyes follow someone through the glass door. She's quick to close her book and get up.

"I'll be back- can you hold this and don't lose it," she tells Blaise.

"Ask Draco."

"Draco?" she puts the book out to him.

He sits up a bit, fixing his posture, "Yea- yeah, don't worry."

She's quick to leave, following whatever caught her eye. Blaise and I can't hold on to our chuckles any longer.

Draco shrugs down, gently hits his forehead with the book, "Don't say anything-"

I chuckle a little more, "You're too much of a softy around her."

"Mum always taught me to take care of her."

"Yeah, but she's not eleven anymore."

Blaise adds, "You should man up already-"

He stays silent, holding the book, waiting for her to come back.

Rowan is good for him. She's been good for all of us.

We always protect her from everything since she's been through more than we've known.

"I'm guessing you two made up?" I look at him.

Draco nods.

Blaise smiles, "Finally, now I won't have to hear you talk about how sorry you are-"

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