4 - a storm of emotions

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be ready...

this one is....

A ride.


Charli's pov

We are going into school.

To be honest, usually I like school.

Well, kind of, let me explain.

School is easy for me, not that I'm bragging or anything, it's just that I don't need to sit for a long time studying before a test, and sometimes not even at all.

I have my friends, I am at the same classes as y/n, there isn't anything bad about school for me, I guess.

I mean, school is so boring, but that's it, I guess.

But today, even though it is a short day, because its an introduction day and stuff, I still just want to go home.

Maybe when I see my friends I will cheer up, hopefully.

Summer vacation was so fun.

Just me, y/n, movies, videogames, snacks and ice cream all day long.

Sometimes we would go places, but my favorite activity is just cuddling with y/n.

We did hang out with other people, but those day aren't as memorable.

Oh, just remembered another reason to not like school.

All the other people.

There are so many kids in our school, and I don't know everyone yet even though this is my third year here.

Public places like these give me the creeps.

I mean, I just can't.

People that I don't know see me as an extrovert, but trust me, I'm not.

I get so shy and sometimes I can't even leave the house.

I just feel like everybody is looking at me, judging me, observing everything about me like how I look, what I do, and the just laugh behind my back about it.

Whenever I feel like that, I just look at y/n and my worries fade.

She's just so good to me, she will never judge me, she doesn't care how I look.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

Speaking of y/n, she cut my daydreaming short.

"Char did you listen to me?"

"y/n/n to be honest, no. don't be mad please. I care about what you have to say, I'm just so stressed about going in there." I softly say back while looking at the floor.

"Well I guess you did listen after all, because that what I asked." she giggles while moving my face from my chin to make me look at her in the eyes. "I noticed that you are quiet than usual and that you were looking at the ground. I know you. I just want to say, whatever's bothering you, I am here. Don't worry." She said quietly so just I hear.

She knows me too well.

"I love you." I whisper back.

"let's go to our lockers Char Char." She smiles a very big smile at me to tell me she loves me too, without saying it out loud.

We usually arrive at school really early, school starts at 8:30am and we arrive at about 7:45.

We do that because there aren't many people here this early and, so we have a bunch of time to do whatever and hang out, while not having to worry about being late.

need - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now