Part 14

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WARNING: This chapter consists some mature violence. if you cant handle it please move on to the next chapter thank you. :)

**Win's POV**

Feeling frustrated and aggravated with the way Tong treated Max's situation really pissed me off but there wasn't anything I could about it since he had already said no. All I could do at this point was wait until this last class of mine ended and then figure where Tul is going after school today.

I was sitting next to Tong and he just kept staring at me with worry as the class kept getting closer to the end.

Tong: He elbows me in the side while the teacher was talking. "Hey, you're not really going to go through with this plan are you? I don't think it's a very smart plan. His friends and family will be looking for him."

Yea, yea. I understand that predicament but there was no other choice, Max made certain of that when he decided to lose control yesterday.

Win: "You know in a way, its Max's fault that Tul is going to die. He doesn't know how to control himself."

Tong: He glares at me. "Don't say that. You know that Max didn't mean for any of this to happen. It's not like he could snap his fingers and all of his problems would disappear. Hess not a fucking genie."

With that he huffs and avoids me for the rest of the class.

Whatever, if he wants to stay here in his own happy little world than sure but I already know that this is something that I need to do.

Our teacher cleared her throat before we all stood up and starting talking about finals and how we all needed to study. I know that it was important but I couldn't get myself to concentrate on that yet.

I needed to come up with an actual plan for tonight.

If him being a hunter is true than I need to be cunning and accurate with my planning.

Knowing that it would be easier to hide any evidence during the night, I decided to wait until at least 7 or 8ish. That should give myself enough time to figure everything else out to.

Like the 1,000 years that Max is going to hate me...

I just need to keep telling myself that It will be worth it if it meant that Max will be safe.

Finally leaving my last classroom I wave at Tong with a big grin on my face before disappearing out the door. I knew that Tul had all of his classes with Max because Max wouldn't stop talking about it the first time he found out...

Yes, I do feel slightly guilty but that's not important.

I mean, I'm not a complete monster...

It didn't take me long to make it to their classroom right as they were exiting there class and for some reason they seemed more friendly than usual and I didn't like it.

I didn't like it one bit...

Wasn't Max extremely tired, scared and paranoid when he was around Tul?

This didn't make any sense...

Win: Trying to act natural, so I wrap an arm around Max's shoulder and smile at him. "Hey Max, when are you going to the dorms today?"

Max: He looks at me with a second of panic before it disappeared from his face. "Oh Win, hey man. Uh, I think I'm going to go there now actually. I feel a little tired right now and there's a lot of homework I have to get done before tomorrow too."

That's good at least he won't be spending more time with Tul so I will be able to get him alone today. Hopefully he's not with Zee or Xing either. That would be just what he needs.

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