8| Douglas

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The carriage pulled to a stop and the door opened. I guess we are now in Northshore, the ride from Delaware to Northshore was short but it felt like forever. I got out with the help of the footmen with Susanna following right behind.
I looked up at the shop in front of me it was not much. There was a name up top call ' guichet unique' which means one-stop-shop. under that cute little sign hung in the window, 'nice to look, nice to hold, but if you break it, consider it sold.'

I walked up the two stairs they had before I turned around and told the carriage to wait. Susanna and I walked into the little shop and the door made a ringing sound as we entered. The shop was filled with trinkets and gadgets but mostly very old books. I wandered between them, taking in the curves of each, A old man then came out a door from the back. He had a limp and walked with a cane.

When he saw me he immediately bows "your highness, what brings you here" I was shocked that he recognized me since no one had seen me and in five years until I felt the ring on my hand, the royal ring. Next time I go out I would have to take it off. "No need for formality sir," I told him as I help him to stand straight. Grey hair covered his face and what little hair had on his head. He had a lot of years left in him if wasn't for the cane he looked like he can take on the world.

"I am in the search of a man named Douglas," I told him having a look at the things he was selling.

"What you want with the poor fellow?" He asked walking over to his books to dust them. I looked back at Susanna and she left the shop to go back outside.

"I was told that he can help me" I took up a cloth that had something inside. I unfolded it and pulled out and dagger. I was new, I put it back into the cloth.

"Help you, with what if you don't mind me asking" the man made his way over to me and took the dagger out my hand. "do not touch unless your buying.

"I'll take it then" he moved past me and went behind his desk taking a look at the dagger before packaging it away."Help deliver my letters to William" I said answering his question. I didn't want to give away much see as this man was not Douglas but I am sure he wasn't going to tell me anything until I will him why I was looking for the man. That's how the people in Northshore were, I heard my father talking about it, he hated it. They wouldn't tell or speak up on anything if he was to find something out. They protect each other.

"Well if that's the case your speaking to him and you say the prince told you this," he asked. Of course, I had been talking to the man this entire time. I did get frustrated but I let it go. He was just trying to protect himself.

"Yes he did sir"

"Oh that boy can't he see I am getting old" he made his way out from the desk and handed me a little box. I opened it and I was the dagger. He went back to his cleaning.

"If it's a trouble I can pay you" he looks up at this putting the books down. He walked over to me slowly "pay you say, how much you willing to pay" he looked me in the eye.

"What your price?" I asked standing my ground, he turned around and waved for me to follow him to the room he came out of earlier. I was hesitant at first but soon follow him. The room was just filled with more of his thing and a bench. He was standing in front of a map that had all the kingdoms, Delaware, Chester, and major villages.

He points to the map "you see this, that the distance from here to Chester and I am pretty sure that William would not always be there"

"You want me to pay you for the distance?" I asked

"Yes, and for food and other necessities of course"

"Very well name your price" After the price was established I handed him the money for the dagger and to get my first letter to William safety as soon as he can.

Katherine WellsWhere stories live. Discover now