Hairy Bitches

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James had a unibrow. He was very self-conscious about it until he went to Hogwarts. That's when Sirius made sure to compliment his unibrow every day, reminding him how beautiful it was. Soon, James learned to accept his unibrow, even if it was covered by his glasses most of the time.

Then, in 4th year, Lily got about 3/4 of the girls in the school to stop shaving their legs for 2 weeks to advocate for feminism. In the spring. She did this every year and she even designed matching t-shirts for everyone that said The Hairy Bitches.

In 7th year, James finally joined The Hairy Bitches Club and bragged about is unibrow nonstop after dying it pink. Soon, The Hairy Bitches Club evolved into the Equal Rights club because Remus would always wear something that had the bi flag and all the asexuals/aromantics at Hogwarts were constantly telling everybody that asexuality really is a thing.

The Equal Rights club continued to grow and improve even after the OG members graduated, and the next generating Weasleys/Potters were proud to play a part in it.

a/n: I may or may not have written this because I have a unibrow myself. UNIBROW PRIDE, Y'ALL!

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