Chapter 4

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          Since then everymorning into the sectorial of faith Pasha receive many gifts. She then get along with Basil's family and getting along with them is easy. In a while of dating with Basil. She has change as Basil bought her of anything and they go everywhere. She can't even forget a secret museum of wax which has full of women in history who's been lost for a long time.. she remembered Basil about:
"these woman is my great! great! grand mother and my daddy's great grand father both are doctor during World war I. Look at this tag name a virus..!" as he shown with her..'Tobacco Mosaic' and a painting of a doctor.. these women are the wives of his grand parents. In every wax inside that museum has a viruses name in them and a pandemic that happened into the whole world. For the first time she held his hand while they are walking around to the big paintings of death that begins about five thousand years ago. It seems that those painting has something to say, those waxes that seems so real and everything has an open it's internal organ..

In the midnight while she is on her sleeps.. she moves from every side while laying on her bed as having a nightmare. She sees her parents crying and embracing each other. On the other side she sees that the tribe is now burning alive
"noh!! stop!" screaming as she awake and sit then she look at her leftside she scream! and seen a burned man at her leftside as she fall down on her bed..
"there's a visitor who came up again! master!" their servant speaking their own mother tongue. He's talkin about your daughter!"
"Pasha?!" her father said while smiling..
"I come up here Sir to ask your permission to marry your daughter.." Basil said
"marry my daughter?! how did it happened my child was lost for a months?! how did it happened? no! no! - way! she is still young!" Basil never thought of Pasha's father will not agree about his proposal. But he has to understand."
"Wait! where is my little Pasha? She left us without our permisson? she won't get marry yet. Tell her that we misses her so much!! we'd like to see her.." Basil thought that Pasha's  family is easy to please..but he was wrong..
Now he is afraid to get his love for Pasha..

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