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"And what do you think your doing little pidgey" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow, his hands on his hips as he looked the shortest paladin who was trying to sneak into the control room.

"Urrr, Sleeping walking?" Pidge answered awfully, glancing to the door pad then back at Lance before glancing back to the door.

"Want me to ask again for you to give a better lie or should you just tell me the truth" Lance asked unsure since even Hunk could have lied better.

"Promise not to use your big mouth to pass this around .. just yet" Pidge asked, her eyes slightly pleading as she looked to him.

"Is it going to get me killed" Lance asked slightly fearful.

"No, Its actually safe for once" Pidge replied with ease.

"Then I'm in" Lance grinned and skipped over.

"Not here, lets talk inside since I can scan for the mouse" Pidge mumbled back and got the control room doors to open, stepping in and yanking Lance in before the locking the door.

"So ... What are you planning" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing down to his shorter friend backpack she still held pushed to her chest.

"Christmas Party" Pidge answered with a bright smile while Lance just stared at her slightly shock.

"Christmas" Lance asked making sure he heard right.

"Yeah" Pidge grinned, bouncing on the spot a little. 

"Oh" Lance breathed out, nodding a little as he took in the news, they've all been so busy that they haven't even noticed how many days had passed by now.

"Want to help, I was gonna surprise the others with it" Pidge asked slightly shyly, she worked out a game plan and started getting things ready but an extra set of hands would be helpful.

"I'll be honoured to help, tell me everything" Lance grinned, watching as Pidge smile brighten before she gave a happy nod. 

Pidge soon told Lance everything she planned out and how she was going to do it. Lance nodding along, adding things on or pointing out certain issues before they formed a new working plan together. 

Both sneaking around behind the other paladins and Alteans within the castle, sleeping during paladin training before doing their paladins duties when needed.

Both taking turns to take their lions out for "Training" by going to certain planets mapped out and close by to the castle when it passes. 

A certain old unused room having an extra lock added as they snuck boxes and tools inside that they were going to use or need. 

Both coming up with silly lies whenever asked what they were carrying or why they kept disappearing. Even going as far as to take a sick day just to get a little head of their planning when the others kept trapping them into talking or hanging out. 

It was almost perfect, just had to wait while the paladins and Alteans went to sleep later tonight for them to get the ballroom ready for use. 

But of course, while Lance and Pidge was thinking everything was going great .. the other paladins and Alteans were having their own secret meetings.

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