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(I couldn't find  Jidge Christmas picture)



(My Favourite Christmas Song..)

"So, you risked the lives of the paladins, the only ones who can fly voltron. VOLTRON! The only thing that can help stop the galra and you all just snuck out of the Garrison just to grab Christmas decorations that the GREEN paladin knew would be safe in the Holt shed. Was it worth risking being captured or killed and leaving earth to galran hands just to grab the decorations when its not even Christmas yet" James whispered yelled out in frustration as he stood in the break room where, Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk and Pidge all stood with three boxes worth of Christmas decorations and a plastic Christmas tree that needed building. 

"Um, I feel like that a trick question" Keith replied with his lips in a straight line.

"Don't forget, we grabbed some Christmas recipes while we were at it too" Hunk added with an innocent smile as he held up a plastic folder with printed Christmas recipes that the Holts had but never actually tried cooking before. 

"I mean, in our eyes it was worth it but you don't look like you'll agree" Lance mumbled with a small smile as he glanced away from James glare.

"We sorry for sneaking out and we know its only June but this is important to us" Shiro answered with a friendly smile, acting like he didn't have a silly elf hat on his head and stood like a serious adult.

"We missed Christmas for four years, we promised when we returned to work we'll finally have a single day even just a single moment with those we love and have a Christmas we all missed. We know its not Christmas but we going to make it charismas in the lions hanger just for a day, we just want to keep a promise we made together since we know the war won't be over even after we defeat Sendak. Please James, let us have this chance of a last memory" Pidge replied with pleading eyes, a sadden smile on her lips as James looked to her.  

"We'll clean up ourselves" Shiro offered with slight hope making James let a breath escape his lips.

"It's best to be unpacking all this stuff in the room your going to use" James replied with a small smile making the others grin before nodding happily and picking up their stuff before walking out, giving slight nods to James as they passed him in the doorway but making their way to the shared hanger the lions sat in. 

The four paladins and old black paladin soon reached the lions hanger, placing the boxes down before glancing around and wondering if the hanger might just be a little big since they only had the basics decorations for a single living room. Plus, not everyone would be able to come to this Christmas, Matt was still in hiding and Shay was far away. The blades were mostly wiped out still and Krollia was still with Kolivan. Ryner and others were still stuck out in space as well, it wasn't gonna the Christmas they planned when returning to earth but they'll still try and make a memory out of it. 

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me

A partridge in a pear tree" Hunk started to sing as he untangled the Christmas lights they'll use on the tree and the other set they'll find use for. 

"On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me

Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree" Shiro sang next with a friendly smile as he stood on a ladder trying to hang up one end of the Christmas foil garland that was a nice Christmas red and paten as snowflakes as it went across. 

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