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"How could Christmas be even worse on the Atlas, we have fellow humans with us" Lance whined like a child, throwing his hands in the air as he stood in the Atlas with his fellow human friends.

"Becuase we still got half the crew as aliens and remember how well explaining Christmas to Allura and Coran went .. we all almost died twice by them both as them trying to be Christmas like" Hunk shot back in slight panic and he pulled up his sleeve to show one of the scar he received on that day.

"Plus don't forget earth was mostly destroyed as well, the Garrison didn't have anything Christmas like for us to pack on the Atlas and they would never agree with us letting the crew have Christmas. We are fighting a war still, they want us to finish it and return to help rebuild earth .. Christmas is off-limits for us" Shiro reminded the others as Christmas was strictly banded on the Atlas.

"But we on the night watch, Its Christmas eve and we stuck on night watch while everyone else got to get of their shifts an hour early" Matt grumbled back as he tapped his foot like a sulking child, he wasn't even a paladin and got pulled into the night watch with them just to let Allura have an early night.

"Why don't we just find something to distract us then, make a bet or something" Keith offered as he looked to the others, the night was still young.

"Whoever wins get to have anything they want, It can be anything and we'll have to allow them to have it .. even risk taking a hair cut or giving something up" Pidge added on, catching the others interest.

"Ha nope, Not falling for that trick again. I'll stay as the fair ref who looks over you all" Matt quickly replied with his hands in surrender and taking a step back.

"Its almost eight, why not make it more exciting but saying the bet ends on Christmas. Gives us all four hours to try and win before we return back here" Shiro spoke up as he looked to the clock in the control room.

"Sounds good to me but what should we bet over" Hunk replied with a small nervous smile, he didn't enjoy the bets but it was better then being bored all night.

"James is still up in the jets hanger, whoever gets him to smile wins" Pidge offered for the bet as she held her hands behind her back.

"But your dating the guy, wouldn't that be unfair" Matt mumbled with worry and the others shook their heads.

"Pidge may be dating James but even she can't always get the teachers pet to smile with free will. He even more worse then I am when showing real emotions, I just don't want them but he struggles to have them" Keith explained with ease making Matt nod in understand.

"Its eight, the bet starts now" Lance muttered as he looked to the time and everyone nodded before walking away.

"This is gonna be fun to watch" Matt grinned as he sat down at veronica space, loading up the camra footage in the jets hanger.

With Shiro at 8:15pm..

"Hey James, I've got some jokes for you" Shiro spoke up with a friendly smile as he walked into the mfe jets pilots hanger, noticing James sitting under his own jet with a book.

Christmas OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now