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"Can I laugh or do I scream out in panic" James asked slightly amused as he stood in the MFE jets hanger to see the green paladin dangling upside down from the ceiling by Christmas lights that came unhooked.

"Laugh and I'll strange you where you stand" Pidge threatened as she crossed her arms over her stomach not caring she hanging upside looking like a complete idiot.

"Want me to help" James offered as he walked over to her, ready to glance up over the Christmas lights to find where the other end should be tied. 

"Yes please" Pidge sighed in defeat, she been having for ten minutes and she really wasn't feeling the best thanks to all the blood rushing to her head.

"Just hang in tight while I look for the other end" James smirked, rather proud over his bun even as the green paladin glared towards him. 

"Hmm, your a spider man fan .. right?" Pidge muttered out as she studied the man before her face, watching as his eyes glance to the lights following them along.

"Hmm" James hummed back in agreement.

"I see" Pidge mumbled, glancing up to her tied legs before glancing back to the fighter jet pilot.

"Something wrong with tha" James started to ask as his eyes turned back to her before freezing up as a pair of lips met with his. Feeling her hands land on his cheeks to help keep her still while she kissed him, melting into the kiss before he leaned in to deepen it without thinking.

Opening his eyes as she pulled away with rosy cheeks and a proud smirk on her lips over her actions.

"W-Why did you just kiss me" James whispered yelled back in surprise, a blush covering his cheeks.

"Becuase now you won't tell anyone about this, becuase if you do than I'll tell everyone you kissed me back like we were reacting the spider man kiss" Pidge answered with ease, clearly gaining her blackmail knowing James won't risk having the male paladins hunt him down for kissing her. 

"I-I wasn't going too" James muttered back shyly before quickly rushing over to where the lights were tied, readying to lower her.

"I know you hold a rivalry with Keith, I'm not risking it" Pidge shot back before yelping as she was released back to the floor a little harsher then needed. 

"I can't believe you wasted my first kiss over your pride" James grumbled before leaving the hanger without giving her another glance.

Pidge laying slightly guilty since she didn't think it would be his first kiss. She was told over how many ladies wooed over the MFE jets fighter leader and how he was rather popular. She thought he'll already have his first kiss and just be embarrassed by someone like her kissing him. 

"Urg, now I need to try and say sorry .. this is the worse Christmas space ever and Allura Christmas pudding tired eating me last year" Pidge huffed annoyed as she crossed her arms like a sulking child. 

Hours passed and Pidge sat in the eating hall, sitting at the normal table the paladins sat at and just lost in thought over how she would get James to forgive her. She couldn't just give him the kiss back, its not how life work .. maybe getting Allura to be his second kiss. Nah, Allura was dating Lance and that would just start a war between Lance and James. 

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