Ho Ho Ho..

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I do hope you all enjoyed the oneshots and  don't expect new years one becuase I suck at them more then I suck at Christmas themes.

But since Its Christmas and I know it can be a special time or the worse month of a person life, these were my gift to you for the holiday.

Well oneshots are over and any photos I haven't used I'll add after this small bit..


Allura: The camra rolling everyone

Coran: Jolly greetings every beautiful, handsome, cute and just such a perfect reader

Shiro: The year may have been harsh and wild

Hunk: But just know that we still love you

Keith: And be here for you no matter the weather or the day

Lance: Christmas is just precious but it will never be as wonderful as you

Matt: We hope you're with the ones you love and somewhere that makes you smile as much as you make me smile

James: Because in our eyes YOU deserve the best no matter the time of year

Lotor: But you deserve to be spoiled the most on Christmas

Adam: We know while some smile others will be crying but know we'll be one the ones to dry those tears and to see those smiles

Sven: So, remember don't do it and know that even if you can't see us we are here giving you the best time of your life. You may forget once you wake up but know it was one of the greatest days of your life, we made sure that the day was as perfect as you are to us

Pidge:  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holiday to everyone .. Yes, even YOU

Everyone: *Leaning closer before wrapping their arms around you for a Christmas hug before leaving a small but special kiss on your cheek*

Rolo: We'll see you soon.

Nyma: Don't forget to fill that stomach of yours with all the fantastic food you can. 

Slav: Did you know if your reading this right now that means your the most brilliant person within this and every universe known. 

Ryner: Play in the snow if you can, make a snowman or two and even if you play in it alone just know it be fun. 

Shay: Take care of your health and wrap up warm on the chilly nights, don't forget to sleep as well. Satan nor Voltron wouldn't be pleased if you got sick before we could meet again. 

Iverson: Don't expect me to be nice just because its an important holiday to most, you will and always will be my pain in the ass but that what makes you the greatest. 

Everyone: Have the best day ever, Have a wonderful time and keep that amazing smile on your face as you feel the magic in the air grow all around you and everybody within all the universes. 

Rover: *lights up and beeps*

Beezer:  *Ho Ho Ho, Merry Xman written across its screen*

Antok: -- ---- ---

Regris: *Sighs* He says we love you but just know I love you more

Kolivan: We'll see you at the next adventure Paladins

Christmas OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now