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Shiro loved coming to the annual Christmas meetup.

He loved the food, the lights, the atmosphere. Today shouldn't have been any different.

But it was. And it was all his fault.

Last Christmas, he was given a confession by someone very important to him. He stood in shock at first, looking to her as she blushed harder then ever and was clearly waiting for his rejection never thinking she had a chance.

She just took the chance to finally confess and no longer lie over her feelings when she knew how much stronger they grew for him and how it would only hurt if she stayed how they were without ever moving a step forward together or a step forward alone. 

Her  crush she'd had on him since his Garrison days with her brother and how it'd only grown, gotten stronger, since their time together as Paladins.

How the first Christmas he spent with the Holts only made her realise what her feelings were and she accepted her crush for him thinking it fade over time. 

It seemed to have never faded away like she had hoped, all this time she had always kept her eyes on him and he never noticed before. 

It had left him standing there in the snow with her heart in his hands.

(Well they both knew it wasn't real snow but a fake snow Matt created for Altean to enjoy the joy of snow. He wanted Coran and Romelle to see and feel snow for the first time and it brought smiles to everyone as they stood with the snow falling around them before playing in it like little children)

The next day she saw him and Curtis together.

She saw the soft looks and smiles both of them gave each other, smiles and looks she clearly misunderstood since he was just trying be pilot over the garrison soldier who came out of no where on his walk to find her. 

It clearly hurt her to look at them becuase he never saw her in so much pain before when he met with her eyes. 

Even now, it hurt.

The forced smiles. The broken looks. The emotionless kisses.

The rings on their fingers.

His's heart gave a painful squeeze, exploding into a billion snowflakes. Just like her's did last Christmas.

Katie hated Christmas. It reminded her of her childhood- the loneliness, the disappointment, the only half decorated Christmas tree with presents left under.

She hated how her parents would still be working, the tree never fully decorated becuase she could never reach the top half of her tree and her brother just got use to not trying. How neither got to have faith in Satan, not a single year could they live the false dream of Santa. 

After she'd met Takashi, she slowly grew to love it- and him. She loved how his eyes lit up, glowing with childish delight or burned softly like a flame. The soft smiles and hugs he gave her that warmed her icy bones.

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