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"Secret Santa" Lotor asked clearly confused as he stood in the control room with the other paladins and Alteans. 

"Yeah, Do you know about Christmas ... did we tell him about Christmas" Lance grinned, clearly excited for secret santa before freezing up and looking to Hunk since he wasn't sure if they told Lotor over what Christmas was.

"He was trying to shoot us last year, I don't think we had time to explain what Christmas was like we could do to Allura and Coran" Hunk nervously whispered back making Lance just give a nervous nod.

"I mean, it should be easy to explain Christmas to him since Coran caught on first, it was just the blade of Marmora that didn't really get it and took us forever to explain" Keith mumbled back from where he stood beside Pidge, dressed in his blade unifrom since he was still with the blades and just got leave for the next couple days to spend Christmas with the paladins.

"Who gonna tell him or do we just explain secret Santa to him first since that what we doing this year .. Space still don't have anything close to Christmas like not unless we want to die from whatever looked like Christmas lights but actually leaked a poison oh and lets not forget about the tree incident" Pidge mumbled back as she pushed up her glasses while the other humans shivered at the failed Christmas last year when it almost got them killed and either sick or injured for the week instead. 

"I'll explain Christmas to him after you explain secret Santa" Allura offered with a sweet smile.

"Now we have a plan, please tell us already Paladins" Coran grinned and rubbed his hands together.

"Its an arrangement by which a group of friends or colleagues exchange Christmas presents anonymously, each member of the group being assigned another member for whom to provide a small gift, typically costing no more than a set amount. We'll all put our names in a pot or hat and then we'll pull out a person name, if we pick out our own name then we'll place it back in and all take a new name out. Now, the point of the game is to not tell anyone who you got or let the person know that you have them until we swap gifts on the set date. Since we all stuck in space with limited objects to use, we have no price range and can go as wild as we want. We'll meet up within three days to settle down and give out our gifts to each other within the castle lounge. Now, we'll be doing it Christmas eve due to having a mission set out for Christmas day and boxing day .. Christmas eve is our only free day" Shiro explained with a kind smile as he explained the rules and the idea of secret Santa as best as he could while Hunk held up his paladin helmet they'll use to pull names out. Pidge and Keith writing everyone names out on strange brown paper that smelled like soap but tasted like sand. 

"I see, It seems rather strange but if its done so much then I'm sure its fine" Lotor smiled as the others gave a small nod, only a couple of them every done secret Santa before voltron while others never had making the mood 50/50.

"Remember, you can do anything for the gift but please remember they will find out your the giver when you pass over the gift. If you plan anything stupid or dangerous, they'll know who to kill the next day" Hunk added on with slight worry since he knew Lance planned to try and prank Keith or Lotor if he got either name during the game. 

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