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"Can I open my eyes now" Pidge asked with a bright smile, standing still with her boyfriend hands over her eyes.

"Nope" Lance grinned cheekily and he enjoyed having his girlfriend pressed to his chest, his arms carefully around her shoulders while his hands covered her eyes with care. He was enjoying the moment.

"But you can't wrap your arms around me and keep me closer if your hands are busy with my eyes" Pidge shot back with a slight pout that she knew her boyfriend found to be the cutest.

"Good point, you can look now" Lance answered quickly, removing his hands from her eyes before wrapping his arms around her waste and pulled her close.

"Wow" Was all he heard his girlfriend breath out as she looked to the small make shift candle lit table in the middle of the lions hanger. Two upside down metal bins placed as the chairs and a wooden create with Shiro white blanket as the table. A glow stick placed in a test tube in the middle of the table with paper made flowers placed in a metal soldier bottle beside it. 

"D-Do you l-like it" Lance nervously asked, he knew it wasn't the best and might not be the prettiest but he tried his best since they were stuck on the Atlas fighting a war. 

"Lance, its perfect but how did you have time for this. We've been training none stop with the jet pilots and then being sent out to help so many planets. Didn't you get any rest" Pidge replied amazed but concern in his eyes as she looked to her boyfriend, turning in his hold to face him and place her hands on his cheeks.

"You're worth so much more then my beauty sleep, I wanted to make you know just how important you are and I just wished I could have made this even more special becuase you deserve so much more then this" Lance whispered with a gentle smile, leaning his forehead to hers as she blushed.

"You are everything I'll ever need and I know just how lucky I am because I have the greatest person alive as my boyfriend, I caught the tailor heart after all" Pidge smiled sweetly as she met his gaze showing him just how much she loved him and giggling as she noticed him blush.

"I'm meant to be the one swooning you of your feet" Lance muttered embarrassed she made his heart skip a beat.

"Then why don't we go on with our date becuase someone notice we missing. But I must ask, couldn't you have shown me this surprise becuase I was forced in this awful Christmas jumper" Pidge smiled, taking his hand as she started walking back but giving an embarrassed smile as she glanced down to the Christmas jumper Coran made for her. Well Coran made all human paladins a Christmas jumper after being taught how to knit and well he wasn't a pro at it but everyone wore it after a threatening Mother gaze from Lance mother and Colleen. Allura tried making Christmas jumpers for her, Coran and Romelle and they turned out even worse. 

"Well I had to let everyone think we were going to the Christmas meal otherwise we'll have all the paladins and MFE pilots crashing in on our date just to escape the rest of the Atlas" Lance argued back as he walked with his girlfriend to the make shift table.

"True .. but I might have dressed up a little more for our date" Pidge shot back as she glanced slyly to the side knowing her boyfriend wanted to see her dressed formal at least once, even if she just wears a suit he just wanted to see her not covered in oil or grease with a tool or tablet in her hands while he tries wooing her. 

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