Chapter 14: "School Festival Day 4 Part 1: Uneasy with him around. Why?"

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This chapter is dedicated to lynnlyrical hehe Hi Ate Prapti (^-^)v

-Lucy's POV-

"YAH! YAH! Lucy! What's wrong with you?!"

"Gomenasai!" I apologized to Freed, one of my classmates and immediately picked up the broken glass with my hands and yet-

"Oi! Don't touch them-" "Itai!" I yelp in pain as the blood rushingly came out of my pointer finger.

Everyone who was watching me face palmed. All morning I don't know what's wrong with me. I kept on messing up. I haven't slept since that happened.

"Lucy dear, what's wrong? Do you have a problem. We're all here for you." Mirajane and the others went to me and comforted me.

Lissana came up to me and helped me up. "I'll take it from here guys." She told everyone.

"A-Are you sure?" Mirajane asked with concern. Lissana nodded and told her that she would be the one to assist me to the clinic.

"You're still thinking about what happened yesterday ne?" Lissana asked as we walked towards the clinic.

I sighed and told her. "Yeah, I can't believe she would lie to him like that." Anger boiled into me and continued. "He's important and special to me, you all know that. But what can I do? If I tell him about it. He would be-"

"I know Lucy." Lissana said frowning as we reached the clinic.

"Ms. Ophiuchus!" We both called out in unison and came a pretty girl with dark blonde hair and was wearing a nurse outfit. She's Ophiuchus, our school nurse.

"Ah, Lucy-san to Lissana-san. Do you need a a band aid for your finger-denasu?" She asked. Indeed she was deserving to be a nurse. She nows immediately what's wrong.

"Ye-Yeah." We simply replied while she search for band aids and unfortunately she said she run out of stock so she and Lissana went to get one.

"I'll be right back." Lissana told me as I nodded in response. I sighed and sat on a chair staring at my wonded finger.

Then I felt someone opening the door. "That was fas-"

I flinch upon seeing someone who I never wanted to through out the day.

"Wha-What are you doing here... Natsu?!"

He hushed me and said. "I heard my best friend got hurt so I went here to help you like we use to before." He smiled.

Inside me panicked and remembered what happened yesterday. Natsu yank down and grabbed my finger. So he's on the floor while I'm on a chair.

"Don't tell me you going to- Eiii!"

I was cutted off when I felt my finger inside his mouth. He bagan to sip the blood out. I didn't dare to watch and blushed as he did the process. Natsu did this before when I accidentally cut my finger a little. I didn't think he would do it again. No malicious minds please. We care for each other because we're only best friends. ONLY!

Natsu removed my finger out of his mouth wiped it with a his handkerchief and put a band aid on it. "There." He said and kissed it.

"Wah! Why did you kissed it?!" I yelled grabbing my hand. Natsu was confused and tilted his head. "Why? Because it would feel better if you kiss it." He explained. "Is there something wrong?"

I looked away blushing and shook my head. Honestly there is something wrong. It's you.

I wanted to say but it will end up with misunderstanding. Natsu grabbed my hand and caressed it. "I know you Luce so spill it out." He told me standing up and now sitting beside me. Natsu was still holding my hand.

He brought me closer to him and let me lean my head to his shoulder. I started to blush even more. Looks like you still have feelings for him...

Shut up!

"So care to tell?" Natsu asked looking down to me while rubbing my shoulder and my hand. "I'm your best friend aren't I?"

Looked up to him and saw him smile. Those innocent smiles... I started to tear up pulled away and said.

"You see Natsu, Uh, Yesterday, Lissana and I when outside to buy some sugar cubes." I explained looking at his eyes. He snickered and said.

"And then-" "Just listen," I cutt him off. "Please." Then he bacame silent and paid attention. I cleared my throath and started talking again.

"After that we bought ice cream and saw someone from familiar. We lean closer and it was... Lea."

"What? I thought she was sick?!" Natsu asked confused.

"I don't know either. Maybe she was okay already?"

Natsu sighed and gestured me to continue. "Right after that we, I mean, Lissana wanted to check on her so we hide behind the bushes near her. There we saw Le-Lea with another guy." I finished and looked up to him. Natsu I think was confused so I tried to make it better. Natsu actually is a jealous type of guy so yeah.

"But, we think that maybe it was her cousin, brother or relative. So don't get mad at her because of it. You remember what I taught you before?" I asked.




"Trust is very important in ones relationship. You need to approach her slowly not the harsh way. Consult her and ask her things that may not seems like your suspecting her or something. Okay?" I smiled why patting his shoulder for comfort.

Natsu looked at me and kissed my forehead. I blushed a little. Just a little, since I'm used to it. He stood up and I realized he was still holding my hand all this time.

"Thanks for the advice Dr. Lucy!" He winked in a playful manner. I giggled and said. "You're welcome. It's a good thing you get an advice inside the clinic."

Natsu looked around and said. "Oh yeah. Nextime Luce, what if we open a clinic... for broken hearts."

Well that's weird, I would be the first patient.

We laughed until we lost breath. I wiped my tears at the corner of my eye. I missed these times.

"Well I better go now." He told me releasing my hand although I wanted it to last long. Natsu exited the room but eventually came back and hugged me. And that surprised me.

"I missed you Luce." He told me.

"Me too Natsu, Me too." I said tearing up. We pulled away amd smiled. He washed away my tears with his hand and said.

"Now don't you cry my little blonde." He joked rubbing my head while I pouted.

"Movie night this Sunday after the school festival?"

"Sure!" I smiled brightly while he stood up and completely going away.

I sighed and felt nice that we're back. But one thing for sure is that I never told him what really happened.

Lea and that guy... kissed.


Yo~! Yo~! Yo~! How you doin' minna!?

Hehehe okay I'm actually bored so I'm going to have a game every chapters now here goes...

QOTD: Who is Natsu Dragneel's voice actor? He's also my crush ;)

First three to answer will be dedicated to my next chapter.

I'm bored ya know hehehe ;)

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Instagram: @norimo_a.l

Check out: The First Snow and my new story From Staff To Star

Ja ne~~ (*^-^)v

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