Chapter One

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Nine Month's After Ryder's Letter

My head was heavy on the pillow and the cries from River seemed so loud they drowned out any other noise. River was the best thing that had ever happened to me, as much as it hurt me that her father was nowhere in sight, she was just the biggest bundle of joy and my little ray of sunshine. I don't know what I would do without River, there would be nothing for me here and I would feel even more lost than I already do.

Once Ryder left me I didn't know what to do or where to go. The house that was once filled with noise and love was so suddenly an empty quite place that haunted me like a bad memory. My mother spent a lot of time with me throughout the pregnancy. But once River was born the world just seemed like a better place. 

 I decided to get out of bed, it was already ten in the morning and I had spent to much time sleeping already. ''Hey, baby,'' I said in a cheery voice as I picked River up out of her bed, the smile that spread across her face lit up the whole room, spreading warmth through my body. Once I had clothed River and fed her I made my way down to the stabled with the little baby on my hip. 

There were so many things that I missed about riding, that is all I wanted to do now that I have River. As I walked into the stabled the memories of my first encounter with Ryder came rushing back to me, the warm feeling that I got when he spoke to me was gone and left an empty hole in my stomach.  Everything was different now, but it was going to be for the better. All of this pain was going to go away. I promised myself that it would. 

Bird, Token and Maple stuck their head over the door of their stalls after I fell pregnant with River and Ryder left I sold all of the horses except this three. I still had Apache in a turn out paddock beside the stables. Now that I had River I decided that I was going to bring Apache into work and see what he really has to offer. There is so much more that I can do now that I have this new life. 

I placed River down in her cot in the cool tack room where she could sleep while I tended to the horses. The smell of hay and leather filled my nose as I shut the door of the tack room behind me. 

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