One (Edited)

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"Wake up!"

I gasp awake, eyes flying open and body reeling as I scramble back, away from the sudden cold that douses my head and neck. I blink many times, just sitting up on my knees until my mind can register what just happened - there's a large wet spot on the bed were my head just was, a few pieces of ice littered around. My eyes lift up to the empty bucket in the man's hands before I groan, closing them as water droplets slide down my neck.

"Good, that got you up," Brooks snorts, putting the bucket down on the floor before chucking a towel in my face, "Dry up. You have testing in 5 minutes, so this is important. Don't you dare be late." He turns his back to me before walking out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts. And my soaked body.

I sigh and slowly crawl off the bed, taking a moment to groan and stretch sore muscles before standing fully, rubbing the towel to my soaked hair. More testing already? I'd gone through about 5 yesterday, and there's never been two test days in a row... I wonder what's so special about this one.

Hopefully it's not another injection.

Yawning, I drop the now damp towel to the floor, running my fingers through the clumped strands of my wet hair until I can pull them up into an acceptable bun. Sighing, I move to the small basket in the corner, changing out of my wet sleep clothing into my dry day clothes, laying out the wet pair to dry on my bed before heading towards the door.

I reach out to take hold of the doorknob before hesitating, pulling my hand away only to brush my fingers across the strings on my guitar. I'm grateful I can actually keep it with me - it's been the sole thing that's kept me sane in this crack house. For whatever reason, it brings a certain feeling that I've never been able to put into words...

Sighing softly, I pull my hand away before pulling open the door, slipping out and shutting it behind me. I wait to hear the soft click of the lock moving into place before turning, heading down the long hallway to the main room, where, as I expected, Brooks awaits.

"God, took you long enough." He mutters, doing a once over of my appearance before taking hold of my arm, pulling me in another direction. I give a soft grunt at the sudden movement but quickly follow, nearly stumbling at his fast pace as he walks as if on a mission. A moment later, though, I wish we hadn't gone as fast.

Brooks pulls me into a small room, letting go of my arm to shut the door as I stare in shock at what stands before me. Yeah, the room may be small, but it's shocking how many machines have been crammed in here - a multitude of shiny, silver pieces that form different strange contraptions - all hooked up to a single chair in the center.

I gulp, taking a step backwards, but Brooks is there in an instant, shoving me forward and down into the chair. A gasp leaves my body of the feeling of cold metal against my skin, but before I can pull away a thick bar is slammed down over my stomach, trapping me in. I look down in shock as Brooks moves quickly, shackling my wrists to each armrest with similar metal cuffs before flattening my fingers down, locking each down with a shackle of their own. At this point I've stopped just to simply watch him, looking at his face when he pulls away.

"You done?"

He gives me an annoyed expression, locking my ankles into the seat for good measure before looking up as a woman enters the room. He pushes himself to his feet, brushing the dust off his knees before looking to her as she moves over to one of the many machines. "She's all yours." The woman gives a soft nod, turning and bowing to him, which he returns before leaving the room.

The woman looks over many things on a table behind me as she starts to hum, disappearing from my vision only to appear a moment later, a large syringe in her hand. My eyes widen as I stare at the purple liquid within, starting to squirm helplessly in the chair. That best not be going in me! Unfortunately, the bonds held me fast in place as the woman reaches out, grabbing my jaw and yanking my head to the side before sinking the needle deep into my neck.

My throat convulses and I let out a cry of pain, trying to pull my head from her grasp, but as the woman pulls the needle out, the world begins to swirl. My limbs turn numb one by one before my eyelids go limp as well, sliding my world into a pit of black.

My eyes slide open to a world of white. White ceilings, white lights which emit white light. White walls, a white floor, even a completely white bed sat in the corner - sheets and all. It was completely pristine, not a single wrinkle in the covers as if no one has touched it for years.

I have only a moment to ponder about my surroundings before a sudden splash of color catches my attention. A dark red trail on the floor, contrasting greatly against the colors of its surroundings. My eyes widen in surprise, gaze following along the trail before a strangled gasp leaves my throat as I spot the source.

There was a man slumped against the wall besides the bed, still as a statue if not for his breathing.. He wore all white, but his skin was a darker shade, black hair matching it perfectly. His chest rose and fell as if he were asleep, eyes closed and face slack, but none of this is what worried me. It was the trail of blood sliding down his neck from somewhere within his head, trailing over the muscle before pooling in a stain at his collar.

As terror courses through my veins I barely notice the sudden change in my surroundings, darting forwards towards the man. I'm quick to kneel besides him, lifting his head from the all and cradling it in my arms as my fingers search for the wound, but my head shoots up in surprise as another person crashes into the room - an even larger man, covered in scars and holding a large musket.

"Move, girl!" The large man yells, lifting the gun and pointing it directly at us, "That man is mine!"

My eyes widen in realization, and anger instantly boils in my chest. I hug the unconscious man's head closer, glaring daggers at the man. As if in response, the once cold room instantly starts to heat up. The man clicks one of his bullets into place and I gulp, turning my body in order to shield the man in my arms and squeezing my eyes shut.

Three sounds then fill the silence.

A sizzle,

a scream,

And a crash.

I'm then greeted by darkness.

My eyes fly open as my body lurches forward, reeling for the second time today as my mind spins in circles. I gasp in shock and squeeze my eyes shut, letting the dizziness in my brain calm for a moment before slowly opening one eye again.

I'm back in the machine filled room, light shining in my eyes as it bounces of the pristine silver. I let out a soft sigh of relief, looking down a bit. It was just a dream... I lift my head to look around the room before jumping a mile at the sudden sound of a voice next to my ear.

"It worked!!"

I blink in confusion, turning my head to see the woman but my eyes widen in surprise. She dances around, looking as happy as can be, but her entire appearance has changed. Her once pristine coat, clean skin and perfectly slicked back hair are now covered in soot, the edges of her coat frayed as if they had been lit on fire. But the changes don't stop there.

The entire room was now covered in fire.


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