Enemies, Lovers, and Survivors

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Kayla had grown bored inside and decided to go out and keep herself occupied. She had her hair up and held back from her face. There were several persistent strands that kept getting in her face and annoyed her. Even when she managed to get them tucked behind her ear.

She'd gone through one of the few houses in this area and found a few interesting things. What she held now she had picked because it interested her most. Why shouldn't she know how to use it? It was a bow and arrow, and she thought it a clever weapon. She knew that a few groups of humans used them to hunt so that they kept the noise to a minimum. She had to say that this was probably one of the harder weapons she'd ever tried to use. Right now she had time on her hands so she figured why not? Then she could try her hand at hunting.

She always hit to high, or to low on the target. She'd been at this a while and was slowly getting better. She had pulled out an old target and it was sitting against the house. She had to take one of the bows that had less pounds on it. There were several sitting out next to her, though she wasn't strong enough. Whoever had lived here before seemed well versed in weaponry, but the stock had long ago been picked over.

Kayla raised her bow, and pulled back. She did it the way that she'd seen others do it. She understood how to notch it and hold it. She wasn't that unsure of the weapon. It was just getting the aim down. Not to mention avoiding the raspberry that would end up on your forearm from the string if you weren't careful. You'd end up with a bright red area as the string was released.

She let go keeping her arm steady and the arrow slammed into the target. Still high but in the target and not the side of the house. She'd ruined a good dozen arrows doing that. She didn't want to hit someone that might be walking around.

"What are you doing?" She jumped and put a hand to her chest for a second.

"Holy hell." She breathed looking at Savon, she glanced past him. Just where had he come from and did he have to move so quietly? She didn't think that the demons really moved with the grace that he did. Sometimes she wonder about him.

"You should be more aware of your surroundings."

"You shouldn't sneak up on people." She countered.

"Why? Their reactions are entertaining."

"What if one stabs or shoots you?" She said, he was looking at the bows on the ground with a curious expression and then to the arrows in the ground as well.

"Then I would have to say good for them. It's not that easy to shoot or stab me. Especially when I'm the one sneaking up." She gave him a look.

"Aren't you just awesome." He gave her a bit of a smile. That cocky attitude could be annoying sometimes. However she figured he had a point, if you were doing the sneaking, harder to stab. Which nearly made her laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Shooting a bow and arrow, what does it look like?" She teased back reaching down for another arrow.

"Never actually seen one before." He said looking at them, and she glanced at him.

"You never seen one? Somehow I just don't see you not knowing how to use any weapon." Honestly anything he picked up he seemed very capable. She wished she was that good.

"This wasn't on the list, not exactly a weapon you can use in the heat of battle. Distance maybe.' He responded eyeing it.

"I know that a few groups use them for hunting. They are quieter than a gun." At this he gave a nod, he watched her as she put the arrow on and pulled back. He studied the way that she did it, never having seen this weapon used before. She released it. It hit the target closer to the center but still high and a little to the right.

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