Departing (pt. 1 of 2)

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*It was 4:00 A.M., Terra woke Luan up.*

Terra: Luan, wake up.

Luan:*tired* Terra.........?! What time is it............?!

Terra: It's 4 in the morning, Luan.  *Luan groaned* I know, Luan, but when we get in the car, you can sleep for as long as you want.

Luan: Okay........! Where are Lori, Soren, Carol and the others..........?

Terra: They went to go get some breakfast for us, Luan. So in the meantime, let's get you ready to go.

*Luan nodded, then went into the bathroom, did her business, flushed, washed her hands, showered and brushed her teeth. When she came out of the bathroom, Lori, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Carol, Lily, Soren and Lugar were waiting, with food. After breakfast, they heard a knock. Terra answered it. Albert was at the door.*

Albert: Hey, Terra! I'm here to seem my grandchildren.

Terra: Of course, Albert! I'll give you guys some time to say goodbye while I go check us out.

*While Terra left, the others were packing their suitcases as Albert walked into the room. He then let out a sad sigh.*

Albert: So, I guess this is it, huh.......?

Luan: I'm afraid so..........!

Albert: I wish I could go with you, but Sue said I should stay........!

Luan:*crying* I know...........! It's just not fair..........!

Lori: I know, Luan! I know!

Albert: Won't it get crowded at the tower?!

Lincoln: Actually, Lily, my dad, Ronnie Anne, Lily and I are living in an apartment building closer to the tower. That way, Luan can visit us whenever she wants.

Albert: I see........!

*Later, Terra came back just as everyone finished loading the cars. Carol's Ford Explorer, Lugar's Chevy Silverado, and Terra's Chevy Nova. Albert looked at his grandchildren and had tears in his eyes. And so did Luan.*

Luan: Well......... guess this is goodbye..........!

Albert: I guess so..........!

*They hugged.*

Luan: We'll miss you, Pop Pop.........!

Albert: Me too, Luan! I understand you're upset about what happened. Believe me!

*They finished loading the cars and drove away. Lincoln, Lily, and Ronnie Anne rode with Lugar, Soren rode with Carol, and Luan and Lori rode with Terra. As they drove away, Luan fell asleep in the back seat, with her head facing the window.*

Lori: I hope Luan doesn't keep blaming herself, Terra.......!

Terra: Me too, Lori! Me too!

*Lori let out a sad sigh and looked at the sleeping Luan in the rearview mirror. It was going to be a long drive.*

Note: Part 2 will be where they stop for the night and then, there will be an arrival chapter after that!

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