What Hurts The Most

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I don't own this song at all! It belongs to Rascal Flatts! The video belongs to DrDre DrDre on YouTube. Also, sorry it took so long to update. I was working and I was tired afterwards. So, without further ado, let's get back to our story, shall we?!

*A week later, Luan's fever went away. Unfortunately, she still felt so much guilt in her heart. I'm sorry to say that Luan had more nightmares about Slash, Shentani, Benny, Bobby, Arrow, and Charlotte killed Lori. Terra made a promise to Luan that she will never let anyone hurt her or Lori. Terra was driving Luan to her appointment with Britney. When they got there, Luan and Terra went into the building. They waited in the waiting area.*

Luan:*to herself* You idiot.......! Why did you do it..........?!

*She punched herself in the face many times until Terra stopped her.*

Terra: Luan, stop it! I know you're scared of losing your sister, but you're only making it worse! Listen, as long as I'm here, I promise I won't let anyone hurt Lori, okay?!

Luan:*sighs* Sorry, Momma Terra........! I just thought that.........!

Terra: I know, Luan! It's okay!

*Then, Britney walked in.*

Britney: Luan Markov Loud?!

Luan: Here........!

Britney: Right this way, kiddo!

*Luan followed Britney into the room and sat down.*

Britney: So, Luan, tell me what's on your mind.

Luan: Well, it all started with that day my sister, Lynn Jr., lost her game........ bad luck........ *crying* I said things because I was looking out for my brother, Lincoln.........! And it's all my fault.........!

Britney: It's okay, Luan! Just let it all out!

Luan: Why........?! Why did I betray my sisters.........?! I wanted to make things right with Lincoln, not betray my sisters........! Especially Lori........ the one who held me when I was a baby........! I wish I knew we were set up........! Especially when Bobby, Benny, Slash, Shentani, Arrow, and Charlotte sabotaged Lynn's game........! They knew that Lynn would blame Lincoln for losing a game.........!

Britney: Wait......! They sabotaged your sister's game........?!

*Luan sighed and nodded.*

Luan: Turned the town into a ****ING ANGRY MOB!!!!!!!!!! AND TURNED THEM AGAINST US!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DON'T THEY JUST BURN US?!?!?!?!?!?! AFTER ALL, WE ARE WHITCHES!!!!!!!!!

Britney: Luan, please calm down!

Luan: Sorry.........!

Britney: It's okay, Luan! Please take a deep breath and tell me what happened next?!

*Luan nodded and told her everything that happened. Especially about her nightmare, which almost came true. When she finished, Britney felt her heart shattering.*

Britney: Oh, Luan, I'm so sorry for your loss and near loss........!

Luan: Yeah...... me too......!

*Later, Britney told Terra everything. She let out a sad sigh.*

Terra: Can't say that I'm surprised........! Since she told me when I took her and Lori in.........!

Britney: Did she tell you when you guys got here?

Terra: Yes, she did.

*Britney then sighed and gave Terra her number.*

Britney: If anything else happens, like thoughts of suicide, please give me a call. I'll see you and Luan next weekend.

Terra: You too! And I'll also bring Lori as well!

Britney: Sounds good!

*Terra and Luan walked back out to the car and drove away. Unfortunately, they were unaware that Slash, Shentani, Arrow, Charlotte, Bobby and Benny escaped from jail, yet again...........*

Note: Next chapter will be a final battle between Luan and the villains! How will it go?! Find out as our story continues.............!

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