Before, part three.

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Our Friendship

It had been about a month of me spending time with Bellamy and it is safe to say that our newly formed relationship was going great? However, most of the time his girlfriend had to be there with us whenever I was around, something about not trusting me or him, to be honest, I don't know.

We were all sitting by the cafeteria, I was sitting next to his friend Josh or Josky whatever his name was, I didn't like him at all but because I am a very respectful girl I didn't sit next to Bellamy because his girlfriend was shooting glares at me even though I tried my hardest to not talk to Bellamy as much as I would.

"So, Robyn, will you be going to tonight's party?" Josh-sky asked me slurping his drink way too close to my ear.

"No," I answered without bothering to look up from the book that was in my hand.

"Come on, why not?" he asked a bit too loudly and I turned over to the next page mumbling out my answer.

"Not my type of people," just like you guys aren't but I'm only here because Bellamy never leaves me alone.

"No one is your type of people, Robyn," he said and I looked up at him in thought, he was right, no one was my type of person anymore and I wasn't mine too. Shrugging I returned back to my book and read all about how Sophie was an idiot falling in love with Erik, not that I blame her, I probably would too seeing how smooth he is with his words.

"Robyn," I looked up at Bellamy and he had a small smile on his face. "Please come."

"Lamy," I sighed and he batted his eyelashes at me, bring his hands up and interlacing them together and silently pleading.

"It's obvious she doesn't want to come, so leave her," his annoying girlfriend Aqua said and I smiled at her.

"Why do you have red hair?" I asked totally out of the topic but it had been a question I've always wanted to ask since I met her.

"Because I like it," she answered with a bit of attitude and I slowly nodded my head, well that stands as an answer. "Why?"

"I just think Aqua would look great with aqua hair, plus it would totally complement your eyes that are always following me like some stray cat," I shrugged going back to my book and the table was quiet for some time before she spoke up again.

"What colour is Aqua?" she whispered to Bellamy, Josh-sky and I burst out laughing before clearing our throats as if we didn't just laugh, once the table was quiet again, Bellamy explained to her what colour 'Aqua' was, but he would stop every time Josh-sky and I giggled while he explained.

It didn't seem as if she was understanding him, so he took out his phone and googled it showing her, she clapped her hands and shook her head at me. "It's ayy-qua, not aqua!"

"Ayy-qua?" I asked confused and she vigorously nodded her head.

"Yes, ayy-qua."

"Then why do we pronounce your name as Aqua?"

"Because that's how it's pronounced," I had to close my book and look at her as if looking at her would make everything much more clearly but it didn't and I could not get into a full discussion about 'Aqua' with her, after all, it was her name.

"Okay, Aqua," I read my book again but I looked up when Bellamy called my name. "What is it?"

"You coming right?"


"Come on, it's my farewell party," he begged and I shrugged a shoulder.

"Farewell then."

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