Not Sure

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Sunset stared down at her open book, waiting for Princess Twilight to finally respond, but she still hasn't. "I understand that she's the princess and has her own duties, but I know she'll understand what's happening with my friends." Sunset whispered and wrote something to the princess. Applejack frowned, "Hey, maybe all of this isn't involving magic. Maybe the girls are just tryna be nice to the others and make them feel welcomed." She stated and patted Sunsets shoulder. Sunset sighed, she wanted to scream and shout who (Y/n) really was, but nobody in this world would really believe her with all of the magic out there, even if the other students had seen the magic. Looking at her book, she tilted her head when she felt the back, "That's odd." She whispered, confusing the girls around her. Rainbow Dash stopped kicking her soccer ball and looked at Sunset, "What's wrong?" She asked. Sunset closed the book and touched her symbol that was on it. The girls all gasped when they saw the book turn into a notebook, "What in tarnation?" Applejack questioned and stared at the book. Twilight fixed her glasses, "Okaay, maybe magic is involved." She said. Sunset stared at the notebook in shock, if this wasn't her book, then where was the real one so she could talk with Princess Twilight? Sunset then looked up and looked between her three friends, wait, three friends? She had another, but where was she? "Hey, where's Pinkie Pie?" She questioned. Twilight looked at her phone, "Oh no." She whispered. The girls looked at her, "What's wrong, Twilight?" Rainbow asked. Twilight showed the girls her phone, "Pinkie is with one of (Y/n)'s friends." She said.

"What?!" Sunset questioned, grabbed Twilights phone and looked at the image before her. Sunset frowned, "But how? They haven't been near each other." She stated. Applejack shrugged, "Maybe they talked on their first day here. It is Pinkie we're talkin' about." She stated. Sunset gasped, "They did talk and I completely forgot about that." She said and gave Twilight her phone back with a frown. Rainbow scoffed, "Puh-lease, Pinkie wouldn't fall for their tricks, plus, she was able to point out that their smiles where fake that one time." She stated. Sunset sighed, "That's true, but these girls already have Fluttershy and Rarity on their side, who knows what they'll do." She said and held the notebook. Twilight stood up, "We don't know that for sure. We can stop them!" She said with a smile. Applejack nodded, "Exactly, besides, we've dealt with magic before, so this could be a walk in the park for us." She said with a smile. Sunset sighed, "Not really." She mumbled, but the girls didn't hear her as they attempted to think on what to do. Rainbow checked her phone when it buzzed, "Hang on, I gotta take this." She said then quickly jogged away from the group to answer the call. Twilight looked down at her phone, "Okay, so far they're going for us individually, so if we just stick together, maybe everything will be okay." She said. Sunset stared at the notebook, "But what if that's what they want us to do?" She questioned. Applejack shrugged, "It's probably our best bet here." She said. Rainbow came back, "I have to go. Something came up and I have to deal with it." She said, but it sounded like something ruined her spirit. Sunset looked at her, "Oh, we could come with you if you-""No, it's okay." Rainbow said, grabbed her backpack and quickly left, leaving the girls behind in confusion. "What was that about?" Twilight questioned. Sunset sighed, "I'm not sure. I'm really not." She said and held the notebook close.



Ideas go bye bye

Til next chapter~!🌸

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