Ever afters

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The saddest word
in the whole wide world
is the word almost.

He was almost in love.
She was almost good for him.
He almost stopped her.
She almost waited.
He almost lived.
They almost made it.

Nikita Gill

Anna got back to bed, she wanted to sleep away the nightmare and the encounter, bit she couldn't, she kept turning inside the bed, turning and thinking... it wasn't good. Replaying the past months.
After an hour she just decided she needed to find the gym in this place.. she stood... and walked around, she once saw Frank in gym clothes coming from a door near the kitchen, so she moved towards that direction, she entered the place was lit, it was five in the morning, Anna knew that more than an hour of her turning and thinking had passed.
Their was many machines, she sat their was a floor to ceiling window which had a view to the garden , she did her stretching routine while looking to the outside. It was relaxing.

She removed her earbuds and heard a shuffling. It was the devil himself Luciano Romano, he was in some dark gray sweatpants, shirtless and training with wooden sticks on a machine. He seemed like a lethal weapon.
She stood, she wanted to leave, he looked calmly at her, went to a side cabinet brought some sticks and threw them her way, he went to a matress, you know how to use them. It was like the devil knew she needed to let off some steam.
"Dimitry tought you not?!"
How would Luciano of all people know that bit of information.
She tool the sticks, held them like holding a thread to keep her sanity, it was too much.
They started circling each other and she attacked, he didn't expect it, the first round was a long dance where no one wanted to loose. At the end of it she was holding the devil down with two sticks around his neck suffocating him, he had lost his sticks during the fight.
She removed the sticks and moved.
"He tought you well. Another one, come on."
Anna knew the look, it was caged anger just waiting to be released in a form. It was what her father recognised in her when he started training her.
They went for another one, this time the devil delivered some good blows, she did too, they were going to kill each other. She was in her own head, thinking every move, every repurcussion, till they both heard a voice. She thought that she really needs to be more attentive to her surroundings.
It was an alpha voice, her wolf senses erupted. She knew the voice it was Theodores. He was stansing in training clothes of his own.
Luciano stopped abruptly, a little flash of fear appeared through his eyes, she can recognise that flash anywhere.

She stopped looked at Luciano.
"Thank you.." she mouthed it and turned around to get her earbuds and phone. The man was looking at her thoroughly, he was assessing her, everything she is, everything her human body is capable of.
She disn't know why Theodore would still be here, but she didn't think it would be good news to her, so she took her things, and lwft, Theodore was looking at Luciano like he wanted to kill him, but the devil wasn't scared anymore. Anna knew from the look on his face, the devil was out to play.

She moved getting outside.
"Good game Miss Hollow!"  It wasn't the devil addressing her, it was Theodore.
Anna said thank you without turning, she opened the door and left, she put her earbuds and started running around the premises, she found the glass house, it was her quest. She entered and went inside... she thought she saw two figures sitting there, one was Cane and the other one she didn't recognise but he was wearing the clothes of the guards.
She hid aside, the beast turned, he was trying to smell something she could see it, but he couldn't with the amount of scents and flowers present in this closed area. He returned looking to the man.
Anna wanted to know what the fuck they were talking about, they moved closer.
"James said that, your sure."
"They need to stay calm about it..!" The beast seemed frustrated.
"How could they stay calm? its the third attack within a week, these people think themselves the black army, getting the species rid of the unpures."
"You can't attack them now they would bring in reinforcements and get ready for us, we need our strikes to appear as unplanned acts of vandalism orchestrated by individuals."
"Look we can't wait Cane, the brothers are starting to think your sympathetic with your ex organisation, i mean you were a member of the league since you were a young cub."
"What the fuck are you saying?! You think i am a traitor!"
His voice was rising his wolf was coming to the surface.
"No Cane, but we think you are taking things too slowly... and we want our revenge... like you want yours."
Anna was in shock, he was a member, what did he want with her fathers intel if he was a member?!
The fuck with this guy and his two faces, oh no not two faces, his many faces...
"Tell James that they are going to be ready for a massive attack.. the brothers would be giving their army on a silver plater to the league. Kill most of the rogues the halfbreeds, and fucking live happily ever after in a twisted world of black furr and tainted thought of greatness."
"I will convey this to the brothers, but you need to be there to explain more, i am not with you on this matter, we are having more losses by the day, we need to strike back and big. Finish here and meet them."
"Why are you even staying here now. Alpha Damien doesn't like her, she can't influence him in any way to get into this war on our side, its a lost cause. Ditch it."
Anna wanted to laugh, she just got the answer to her question in the easiet way possible.. she was always a target.

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