chapter 7

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~~Sophie's POV~~~

Sophie couldn't believe Fitz just kissed her. It was perfect and now everybody is staring at us.

But she doesn't care. 


~~~Fitz's POV~~~

"Come on bro. Gotta make your hair perfect! Just like mine. I think we'll name it The Hair Jr."

"Whatever. Let's get this over with," Fitz replied.

~~~1,256 hair elixirs later~~~

Keefe walked out into the room and Fitz heard him announce, "I give to you... The Hair Jr!!!!"

Fitz walked out and mimicked Keefe's hair flip.

Everybody but Keefe laughed and Sophie's face seemed nuclear. 

I wonder what that means.

Oh! Nothing.

Sorry! Didn't mean to transmit.

It's cool. How many elixirs did Keefe use?

A bijilion.


Fine. 1,256

Nu uh.


Ok I think they're catching onto us.

Yep, let's talk out loud now.

Sophie severed the connection.

"Got anything you want to share with the group?" Keefe wiggled his eyebrows.

"ANYWAYS! It's time for me to dare... Keefe!" Fitz broke in, grinning.

"Uh oh, if you mess with The Hair..."

"Ohhh, don't worry, you just have to do 7 minutes in heaven with Linh," Fitz replied smuggly.

"Ok," Linh said quietly, and she walked over to Biana's closet.

~~~Keefe's POV~~~

(Keefe's thoughts are underlined)

It's not that I don't like Linh. I really, really do. But 7 minutes in heaven? Already? Wow.

"We don't have to do anything, you know," Linh whispered.

"I know," Keefe whispered back. What else was he supposed to say?

Linh looked nervous for a second, but she stood on her tip toes and gave Keefe a peck.

Geezzzz Linh wanted to do that? Well then.

Keefe leaned down and kissed Linh gently, and softly, on the surface. There was no need for more.

"I hope you're descent!" Biana called as she opened the door to the closet.

It's a good thing we stopped, I guess.

"What happened?" asked Dex, suddenly curious about everybody else's relationships.

Linh looked at Keefe and he nodded his head ever so slightly. The message was clear: she could tell them if she wanted too.

"Nothing. We just whispered so you couldn't hear us talking," Linh covered up, her gaze darting from the group to Keefe and back again.

I guess it's our secret then. YAY!

~~~Sophie's POV~~~

Something's up with Linh and Keefe

Yep. I'm gonna find out why. 1 sec.

"Keefe, may I enter your mind?" Fitz asked innocently.

"Uh, no. Nice try though. Is it a problem for Linh and I to have our own relationship? We haven't asked about the middle of the room kiss yet, have we?"

"Okay," Fitz looked down, "I see your point."

"Good, now who wants to play basequest... and NO special abilities. I'm looking at you, Foster."

"That sounds good to me," Tam added, and the rest of the group agreed.

They all headed out to their basequest tree, and divided the teams. It was:

RED                                   BLUE

Sophie                             Fitz

Tam                                  Keefe

Biana                               Dex


"Because you guys got the extra player, you have to quest first!" Biana called running to find a good hiding spot to tag the blue team out.

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