Chapter 7

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Jessica run as fast as she can,so many thoughts came through her mind that she didn't even notice a group of drunk men surrounded her until she bump into one of them.
"Yah! Look at this beautiful lady." One of the men hold her waist and the other two men hold her wrist.Jessica try to escape but the she can't they where too strong for her.
"Leave me alone!" Jessica yell.One of the men punch her stomach and she scream in pain.
"Just come with us." the tall men said and drag Jessica.
"Help me!" Jessica yell again then the men punch her again,Jessica fell in the ground, when the men was going to punch her again suddenly they stop and fell down on the ground,Jessica was so dizzy so she didn't saw the guy who help her and she pass out.

"Jessica!Jessica!" Donghae said, Jessica open her eyes and she was now in the hospital.
"What...what doing here?" She ask weakly.
"Stupid! What if I didn't come to help you?" Donghae yell,Jessica was silent so Donghae yell at her again.
"Are you out of your mind walking alone at night!!!"
"Yes!I'm out of my mind!I'm crazy!!!What do you even care?!" Jessica yell back even though she feel dizzy and sick.
"Ofcourse I care what if they kill you! Do you know how hurt I was when I let you go before and how happy I am when you came back...even though your angry at me I didn't regret breaking up with you because seeing how you improve and debut that make me really happy and at least I can still be by your side!!" Donghae yell while crying.Jessica's eyes widened in shock by Donghae's confession and she can't say anything she just watch Donghae leave the room.

"Hae,I think you should really tell her the reason you broke up with her...well you kinda tell her." Eunhyuk said and give Donghae's shoulder a squeeze.
"Your right I should tell her." Donghae let a big sigh.

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