Chapter 01

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Dawn's face snapped up from the book she was reading. Although she was a young girl, she had a certain charm to her that caused people to take a second look. It was her eyes that had so many take another look. Her right eye was a mix of blue and hazel. Her left eye was hazel in colour. Her eyes darted to the clock on the wall. 9:15.

'Shit!' Dawn thought as she quickly closed the book she was reading. She pulled on the hair elastic that was holding her long wavy black hair into a messy bun. She didn't like having her hair up unless she was reading or studying. She let her hair fall gracefully, as she quickly got up from her favourite spot in the family library. She put the elastic on her wrist like a bracelet. Then left the library.

"You're going to be late," an amused voice came from a portrait in the hallway. The portrait was of her ancestor, the great Merlin himself.
"I'll see you later Gramps!" Dawn quickly waved at the portrait and rushed down the stairs. Dawn could hear her famous ancestor chuckle behind her.

Dawn quickly ran down the stairs. She flew down the 3 flights of stairs in a matter of a minute. She almost tripped at the last step.

"Dawn! You're going to hurt yourself!" Joshua exclaimed as he watched her coming down the stairs. By reflex, he held out his arms just in case Dawn did trip and fall.
"Honestly. One day, you're going to break a bone," Merlina said rolling her eyes.
"It's all good fun, honey," Joshua said with a smile.

Joshua and Merlina were Dawn's parents. Joshua was a muggle-born wizard who was sorted into Hufflepuff. He almost fit the Hufflepuff stereotype to a tee. He was very kind, loyal, and just. He fully embraced his muggle side, which explained why they had countless muggle fiction and historical books in their library. Joshua had wavy black hair that was cut short with hazel eyes. He worked in the Ministry of Magic in the Department of International Magical Cooperations. 

Merlina was the direct descendent of Merlin. Their family had a tradition to follow, if they only had a daughter, she would carry the name of Myrddin into the next generation. If they had a son and a daughter, she can choose to carry the name of Myrddin or follow her husband's surname. She was a bright and clever witch and was sorted into Slytherin. Merlina had shoulder-length, straight, brown hair with blue eyes. She worked in the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

Despite the Myrddin family being a powerful family in the wizarding world, they weren't considered to be a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. The belief of pureblood supremacy was one that Merlin didn't associate with. Rather, Merlin believed that wizards should help Muggles and live with them peacefully. And this view was passed down to their children so the Myrddins married whoever they wanted. It didn't matter if their spouse was a muggle, muggle-born, half-blood, or pureblood. Some families in the Sacred Twenty-Eight didn't appreciate it but they were unable to outwardly express that opinion as the Myrddins was arguably the most powerful family in the wizarding world to the point there was a saying that the Myrddins weren't bound by the laws of the wizarding world.

"What are you slowpokes waiting for?! Let's go! We're going to be late!" Dawn said excitedly as she ran out of the front door.
"We were waiting for you!" Devin shook his head in disbelief.

Devin was Dawn's brother who was two years her senior who was sorted into Ravenclaw. Devin was a nice mix between Joshua and Merlina. He had wavy black hair which was cut short and blue eyes. He was known as the brightest wizard in his year. He was at the top of his Potions class, no one could pass his grade no matter how hard they tried.

"How am I related to her?" Devin asked looking up at his father.
"I think she takes after your mum," Joshua said with a mischievous smile.

Merlina softly slapped Joshua's arm. Devin couldn't help but laugh at his parent's interaction.

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