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Basically avengers IW and endgame :)

TW: none I think :/

Peter felt himself crumbling away, turning to dust. His body tried to put himself back together but it was too late. He looked up at Tony, who was holding him in his arms.
"I'm sorry"

And he turned to dust.


Peter looked around. All he could see for miles was orange.

He was alone.

He didn't eat, he didn't sleep, he just wandered around for months.

Sometimes, he would come across someone. A person who had been dusted, like him. They would talk for a while, and then go on their separate ways.

One time, he met a girl.
She had long silver hair and crystal blue eyes. She told him that he was in the soul stone. That all the dusted avengers were here too. They had all found each other though.

They talked for ages.

Finally, the girl pointed to the west.
"Go that way, you'll find them eventually." Her voice sounded like bells.
"Thank you so much!" Peter responded. "Wait! Before I go - what's your name?"
"It's Calypso. But you'll never see me again. Goodbye, little spider. And good luck." And so Peter set out on his way.
It took several days to find the avengers.
But soon he saw a group of people on the horizon, and he ran to them.

He had his spiderman suit on, with the mask included, so none of the avengers could see his face.
" How old are you, spiderman? You sound really young." Sam Wilson asked when they met.
Peter saw no harm in taking off his mask, so he did.
The shocked looks of the avengers stared back at him.
"H-how old are you?!" Bucky asked.
"16. Almost 17 though."

Peter had to live with the avengers bickering for 5 YEARS. None of them grew older though.
Peter didn't speak that much, but the dusted avengers thought it was their priority to make sure he was ok.
So they often talked to him.
Wanda and Peter got on pretty well.
They pulled pranks and told jokes.
They were the ones who let everyone keep their sanity.

Alot of then were grieving, and they all had moments where they needed to be alone. Peter especially, the dusted avengers didn't know what had gone on in his life, they let him grieve silently.


And then on this beautiful, lucky day. Doctor Strange appeared, through his portals. He looked older, and he motioned for them all to follow him. And so they marched into battle.

((Ahhhh this is terrible, i know but I'm lacking inspiration.

Also, an important note -

Can you see the double chapters??? Its not meant to be like that -

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Can you see the double chapters??? Its not meant to be like that -

Also i just gave you a clue to all my drafts 0_0 but ya that's what I'm working on.))

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