Chapter 8

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I answered the door and it was Avani but she wasn't alone..... 

*End of recap*

Sapphire's pov

Avani brought Anthony, Bryce and Elle along with her.

(Bryce: Bryce, Anthony: Ant, Avani: Av Elle is just Elle 😐)

Me: "Hi, Avani I see you brought guests."
Av: "Hi yes, they were bored, so they made me take them along."
Me: "Oh okay well then don't just stand there come in"

As they walked in Bryce and Anthony looked amazed because of how beautiful my house was. When I saw that I smiled to myself.

Me: "Do you want anything? Beverages? Snacks"
Av+Ant: "Uh no thanks"
Bryce: "Can I please use the restroom?"
Me: "Yeah it's just down that hall the third door on ur right. Elle do you want anything"

She said nothing. Jealous much? I don't know but whatever it is she better fix that attitude before I fix it myself. As Bryce left to go to the rest room I went into the living room chilling with Avani and Anthony. It's been a since Bryce went to the rest room so I excused myself from the room and went to check on him. I knocked on the rest room but there was no reply so I looked for him around the house, until something caught my eye. The door to my art room was slightly open,  which was strange cause last time I locked the door unless the cleaners cleaned the room and left it unlocked. I entered the room and saw Bryce in there.

Bryce's pov

I left the restroom, as I was leaving the rest room I realized that I got lost. Such an idiot 🤦‍♀️. So I kept on wandering around until I something colorful caught my eye. I went into the room and saw beautiful pieces of art. Some looked trippy but they were cool. I saw a gigantic canvas that looked incomplete. I picked up the Mr Krabs painting and looked at it until someone said..

Sapphire: "What are you doing here?"

I turned around and saw Sapphire standing in the doorway.

Me: "Oh uh I got lost, wandered around for a while and entered this room."
Sapphire: "Oh well your not supposed to be here"
Me: "Oh um my bad I didn't know. Hey quick quick question did you paint those?"
Sapphire: "Yes"

She quickly pushed me out the room and locked the door behind her. I was shocked that she painted all those paintings but then I remembered I saw a signature on each of the paintings it must've been her signature. She lead me to the living room where Avani and Anthony were. We talked and watched some movies in her cinema until my stomach made some noises. I was praying that no one heard it but everyone did because they we're laughing.

Sapphire: "I'm guessing your hungry, come on let's go into the kitchen and see what's there"

Sapphire and I went into kitchen and she went into the pantry and came out with a Taco kit.

Sapphire: "Looks like we're gonna eat tacos"
Me: "I guess so"

I sat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter and watched her make tacos since I can't cook shit and didn't wanna make a mess. She looked hot making tacos. I watched her in awe she's so adorable. She looked up and caught me staring.

Sapphire: "Like what you see"
Me: "Uh umm- what- I didn't know I was looking for so long sorry-
Sapphire: "I'm joking relax" she said as she giggled

Damn her giggle is even cute I thought to myself. SNAP OUT OF IT BRYCE.
I suddenly had an idea I took out my phone and took a video of her cooking, she caught me taking a video and tried to take the phone out of my hands but I backed away before she could get reach of it. After taking a video I posted it on my Instagram story, after posting she served me my tacos. I ate the tacos and they WERE AMAZING. Of cause they're amazing she's a great cook.

Me: "Damn these are so good! "
Sapph: "Wait really, I think they are decent. "
Me: "Are you dumb, these aren't decent these are fire!"
Elle: "What tastes amazing"

When she came in I rolled my eyes I don't understand why she still hangs with me. She's always chasing away the girls I bring home because that it's the reason as to why I'm probably single. Sapphire's must've noticed because she looked at me the whole time trying to read me, but when she looked at Elle rolled her eyes at the fact that she was sitting next to me.

Me: "Oh um the tacos that Sapphire made taste amazing"
Elle: "You know lying is a sin."

Sapphire's pov

Elle came into the room and Bryce rolled he's eyes I kept on staring at him trying to read him. When I looked at Elle she rolled her eyes at me. She better not test me cause I will pull those fake extensions outta her hair.. They look crispy she probably got them done by hair by Crispy. Lmao nice joke. I most probably zoned out for a while cause I heard her say.

Elle: "You know lying is a sin."
Me: "You know paying 4k for ugly fake hair extensions should be a crime. "

Bryce tried to contain he's laughter but he failed terribly. He started laughing and I couldn't keep it in so I also laughed. She must've left the room while we were laughing cause when we stopped she was gone.

Bryce: "I tried to keep it in but I failed"
Me: "Same"

After eating we went back into the cinema but I had to quickly use the bathroom. So I left Bryce to go to the cinema while I went to the bathroom. When I came back I saw that Elle took my spot which was next to Bryce but I didn't give two fucks so I sat in the row in front of them and checked my notifications nothing important to reply to. After a few mins I saw someone sit next to me I looked at the person and the person was Bryce, I snuggled into he's chest. Elle was probably pressed which made me satisfied at the end of the day.


A/n: Yello... I will put the pictures in the next chapter. Have a lovely day. THANK YOU FOR 193 READS!!! AHHH I LOVE YALL

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