Mocking Bird

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Trigger Warning: Fertility Issues

"Song bird~" he was gaining on you, no matter how fast you ran he was just a few paces behind. He was playing with you, he was fast, so very fast, and you knew there was no way you'd ever beat him in a race. So why was he playing with you? Like how a cat plays with a mouse before killing it.

Is that what he would do to you?

Where was your sweet Keigo?

- - - - -

"That feels so good song bird!" Keigo sighed as you gently stroked along the top of his wings, Name remained quiet and it had Keigo grunting.

"What's the matter little dove? You mad at me?" He asked and grinned at your gasp, "you were giving me the cold shoulder."

"No," you denied and instead leaned down to press a kiss to his neck. "It's just that..."


"You could could have died," you whispered holding tightly and he sighed turning so he was on his back and you were on his chest.

"Hey, song bird," he whispered cupping your face and smiling gently "you don't have to worry about anything, there is nothing that will ever keep me away from you, now give me a kiss." He promised and leaned over and kissed your temple, "and another kiss," he whispered kissing the corner of your (eye color) eye, "and another kiss" he repeated and kissed the apple of your cheek, again and again, another kiss and another kiss. He slowly trailed down to your jaw and up the other side, kissing your nose and lips.

- - - - -

You found an old apartment, you would have tried to run away from people so that they wouldn't be in danger but right now you were desperate, and had to trust that he wouldn't harm them. You found an open show apartment and manged to get in, going in you ran into the closet, closing it and crouching in the corner. They froze as they heard the whistling that was well known slowly getting closer.

You covered your mouth as your breathing got faster. He knew you were here, he had to, and you could only hope he was unable to find you. You were in the closet, which was a bad idea but it was either there or under the bed. You heard the door open and the steps walking along, his whistling suddenly stopping.

"Oh little dove, I know you're in here." He called and you could feel your heart attempting to beat out of your chest. "Come on little bird, come on out to your big hawk man~" he cooed and chuckled, "come out Name and I won't be mad." He promised and hummed, "yeah? Yeah?" He cooed and sighed when you didn't answer, you gasped as a single red feather slid from your pocket and floated in front of you. Once the sight of those bright red feathers made you smile and feel safe. Now it scared you.

The closet door open and Keigo was there with a small smirk and those emotionless eyes, "what a naughty baby bird you are Name."

- - - - -

You sat on the balcony of (best friend's) apartment, (he/she) had gotten one look at your red rimmed (eye color) eyes and the stuttering gasps and pulled you into their apartment and arms. You were sitting in one of the chairs with a throw blanket over your shoulders and a mug of (tea/hot chocolate/coffee) sat in your (skin tone) fingers warming them.

"Okay honey, tell me what happened," (he/she) said sitting on the opposite chair, you kept your eyes on the purple, orange and pink sky. The sky that made you think of him.

"I think Keigo is cheating on me."

"What?!" They gasped looking at you shocked, "but...but he's so loyal! So in love!" They looked down, "and you're so in love with him, what happened?"

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