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Zim sat on the slanted roof of his so called home. Well, it was now, at least. The tallests had called him months ago to tell him the truth. It probably wasn't actually months in his own time, but he'd lost track by now. How sad, he couldn't even remember how to count his own time. Well, it suited him now. The tallests had banished and disowned him. He didn't even know who he was anymore. He wasn't irken, nor was he human. Technically he was still an irken, but now in mind, who was to know? He sighed and glanced back to the stars. Honestly he had no idea what kept him going now. That was a lie. He knew very well why. What he didn't know was why he still felt bad. Sure, months ago it was wrong to love who he was supposed to kill, but now that was done and over with! Why did he feel like it was a sin? Perhaps because he thought he hated him. Or maybe it was because love was so rare on Irk. Then again, he wasn't irken anymore, so why should that matter? Then it hit him. He'd known all along, but he didn't realize it until now. Dib would never love him back. Tears streamed down Zim's face. If he wouldn't, then why didn't Zim give up? He wasn't sure. Then he remembered a term humans would use. Guardian angel. Zim was Dib's. Zim had to stay to guard Dib from the humans. Zim would never forgive himself if Dib took his life because Zim took his. And... Dib made Zim, dare he say it, "Happy." Zim didn't care if the last part was said out loud. No one could hear his blunder. None would know that he showed emotion, therefore showing weakness. Except him. But that didn't matter now. He did not have to follow the irken rules. He had broken away. It then hit him. This disownage was a blessing, not a curse. The tallests let him be free. It took some time to realize that, too. But that didn't matter. Zim was free. Except for now. Because he loved Dib. And that was a curse within itself. "I love you... Dib." He whispered into the night sky. It felt good to admit it. It felt... Great. But still sad. Because he knew it could never be. The doorbell rang from below. Zim stood slowly and slipped through the small hole he made earlier that day to reach his roof. At the door he found... Nobody. Just a single red rose at his door step. Then he remembered. It was Valentine's Day. He plucked up the rose and brought it into his house with a sad smile. If only... The door shut and anyone standing on the sidewalk could see Dib backed up against the wall of Zim's house, clutching a bouquet of flowers to his chest. He looked nervous, and his face was red. Zim had just openly admitted to loving Dib back. So why had he dodged the door when it opened? Why did he hide? Why did he still hide his feelings?

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