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"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The door sounds as I open it and step inside. I say to myself 'No one. Not a soul was outside tonight, or last night, or the night before that. No one for a month, no one after that day..." I look at the melatonin and clutch my jacket pocket, the one over my heart, the one holding the letters. "I wanted to die but I had went for a stupid walk, why did I go for a walk? I had no reason to have the urge to so I did. I found that man in the ally holding a gun to his head and I ran, oh I ran and grabbed the gun and said he had so much to live for. HAHAHA! Oh, man I felt like such a hypocrite, a person who also has suicidal tendencies telling another person they had to live. I listened to all their problems and helped them find a reason to live. And the other girl and, and, and, those five people convinced me the universe had given me a purpose to help others find theirs. One month, one month and not a soul has been outside sense. I have no purpose. Anthony, Alex, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You tried so hard but I'm giving up."

I start reaching for the melatonin and feel the ground give out beneath me. Light blue and white whiz past me, I'm falling I'm falling. "This is not how I wanted to die!"

My mind fills with memories I do and don't want to remember. There's a secondary reason I wanted to die by overdose besides for accessibility it's painless unlike falling. You can see the ground rushing towards you and you see all the reasons you had to live. When you hit the ground all you know for the last few minutes of your life is pain, and the thought that this is it.The ground is fast approaching and I can start to see people I don't know why but I start screaming, "Please! Someone, anyone, don't let me die!".

Everyone is standing still except for someone with curly green hair, this person is running so their right underneath me. I close my eyes thinking not only I was going to die, but this person who wants to help is going to be crushed. I feel something like arms right below my chest and right above my legs before the world goes black.

Light hits my eyelids and a feeling of dread and fear washes over me, somthings wrong and I know what is wrong. I sit up straight and look around. The white walls, the odd machines, and the smell of chemicals, I'm in a hospital I realize, that's why I don't have my jacket. I take a few deep breaths and ask, "Where's my jacket? I really need it, it's very important to me and I feel very uncomfortable without it!"

Someone walks in and says in japanese, "What did you say?" I look at them confused and almost burst into tears. How did I end up in Japan? This definitely wasn't because I overdosed on melatonin, I'd end up in some Beaumont most likely before being moved to the mental ward one of my friends was sent to so they'd stop slitting their wrists. Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I pull my knees up to my chest. Another person walks in the room with my jacket and hands it to me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I say in japanese, wiping away my tears before putting my jacket on. "Now I have some questions, why am I here? How did I get here?"

"You had fallen from the sky and you backed out." The person who gave me my jacket back says, "The boy who caught you called his mother and they brought you here." I nod in understanding. Ok, so that was real? I had tried to kill myself and I ended up falling from the sky above Japan into someone's arms, maybe the universe had decided to pitty me. "Now, we have some questions for you." They say as the first person to enter the room pulls out a clipboard, "What's your name, your parents name's, when you were born, how old are you, and where are you from."

"My name is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) thought I would prefer to be addressed as Kamody, my mother is (M/N) (Y/N) (L/N), my father is (F/N) Anthony (L/N), I was born (Birth month and day), 2006, I am 14, I live in the U.S.A, Michigan to be more precise." I answer them, hoping I didn't leave anything out. The person that walked in first looks at me like I just told them I hear voices that don't exist.

"2006? That, that doesn't make any sense?" The person holding the clipboard says obviously weirded out and the other person shoots them a look along the lines of 'Could you not?'

"We need to do a DNA test so open your mouth." The person who was asking me questions said pulling out a cotton swab. I open my mouth and they stick the cotton swab in my mouth, do a quick swap and pull it out. It leaves a weird, dry, sticky feeling and bad taste in my mouth. "We will go ahead and plug all this into the system, you wait right here, ok?" The person who was asking me questions says.

"Ok!" I say and they walk out the door. The clipboard person glances at me one last time before shutting the door. The expression on their face is one somewhere in between pity, confusion, and mild disgust. Thanks for that, I think to myself, not like I already feel bad about myself. I wonder how long they'll be? Hopefully long enough to sing a song.

Do, Re, Mi,

Do, Re, Mi!

Here's a song I like to sing,

Here's a song I like to sing!

Do, Do, Re,

Do, Do, Re!

A song that I could sing all day,

A song that I could sing all day!

Mi, Fa, So,

Mi, Fa, So!

A song I sing wherever I go,

A song I sing wherever I go!

Mi, Mi, So,

Mi, Mi, So!

As long as there's a song I'm home!

A few more minutes pass and I start to worry. Did they forget about me? Oh, I hope they didn't. "Sir? We have a problem." I hear the doctor who was holding the clipboard say, I think they're on the phone with their boss or something. "Remember the new patient? The one who fell out of the sky? No, no, she's fine, but some things aren't adding up. We took a DNA sample and nothing. No matches, nothing even close. She said she was born (Birth month and day) 2006 and is 14 which again doesn't add up with the year being 2148. We decided to do a check for people with her name born (Birth month and day) 2134 and nothing. We decided to humor her and check for people born in 2006 with the name "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)" and still, nothing. She doesn't exist."


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