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I saw the moon rise | Tsukikage [EDITED]

By: Zackdesaii
•wherein Tsukishima Kei is an Allodoxaphobe who withdraw from taking a hypnotherapy and Kageyama Tobio is a mute janitor who likes spending his free time on the rooftop.

\\\might be out of character
\\\ expect typo-grammatical error and pure nonsense.
\\\ there are curses(bad language) so uhhh, just a warning I guess.
\\\ I know so little about hospitals so correct me if you notice wrong info or smth out there.


"Where are you right now, Kei? " Tsukishima sighed. It's been two minutes since his brother repeated the same damn question for what seems like umpteenth times. He pulled the phone slightly above the ear with a frown, half- expecting that the call is a recorded one, but found it wrong when the time stamp of the call continue moving. He returned the phone to its previous spot as he walk towards the hall. He avoids people as much as possible, or he'll just be worse than earlier.

"For the last time, aniki, I'm in the hospital. Didn't I sent a picture already? " he's been on edge since he entered the building because of the smell of hospital. Is it medicine? Or is it alchohol? Whatever it is, Tsukishima knows that it burns in his nostrils-----and he doesn't like it. He gripped the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes fixing his vision.

"You did, but the background's----"

"Have you seen that one movie yesterday? " a female voice filled his ear. Tsukishima suddenly froze, forgetting about his brother. The hand clutching the phone found itself a few inches away from his cheek's level.


"Aye, but I think the story sucks. Who would throw a mop in a portal to save the world? " another one replied. Tsukishima tracked the voices, and found the suspects slightly ahead of him.

"Hey! A mop can also save the world, y'know. " the lady scoffed. By now he would've glared at them thinking how dumb their conversation is but of course, his phobia is restricting him from doing so. Instead it made him feel a chill roll down his spine.

"----- Ke....."

"Yeah right. "

The air is cool, but Tsukishima's feeling sweat drip down his forehead as he hear the talk nearby. He only heard it accidentally, but he still froze and had to hear the two--- and the other people talk.

He heard people exchange opinions with each other. He heard them cry and throw words at the doctor. He heard about the weather, a kid being made fun of other children, a pie that ruined a patient's stomach and just---- just the things that he doesn't want to hear.

The environment that he tried so hard to not hear are now noisy and spreading like wildfire. It's filling up his ears and he's getting irritated and nervous. His heartbeat and breathing accelerated, making him feel like he did something wrong. His mind stopped functioning as he feel somehow heavy-headed, sweat now racing with the others to see which is faster. He felt as if the whole crowd is looking back at him, with their judging eyes and unneeded comments even though no one cared for his existence. Tsukishima is now out of breathe-----and also in his sour mood. He felt as if the people are testing the already thin thread of his patience; thus further pushing him on edge. He swear, if one of them cried for being hurt by his words, he'll murder someone. He's near to it, so someone ought to calm him down.

And this.... This is what he hated the most.

Just hearing someone's opinions, remarks and critics make him overthink, tremble, nauseous, irritated , and impatiently frozen. He just wanted to shout 'Shut. The fuck. Up.' But he can't, he'll just do something he'll regret later.

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