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Willow, Luz, and Gus were all tired after explaining everything and after making up rules for Amity, Boscha, and Mattholomule to follow strictly.

It was hard knowing the three of them weren't from earth. Well, not the kind of earth they knew of.

"So we are in a different world and if we don't try and blend it... We could be killed..?" Boscha summarized.

Mattholomule hummed, scratching his cheek to think it all over before standing up and saying, "then, we'll be your boyfriend and girlfriends."

Gus, Willow, and Luz were shocked and confused.

"What..?" Gus asked.

Luz's mind was a picture of a loading screen with horrible internet and irritation screeching noise.

Willow was confused with wide eyes.

"Yes, we'll be your boyfriends." Boscha agreed after standing up.

Amity soon followed suit standing up and saying, "yes, I agree."

Willow and Gus glanced over to Luz who was still trying to recall something.

Soon enough, Luz slapped herself hard on the face.

"¡¡¡Dios mio!!!" She yelled before flushing red as she glanced over to Willow and Gus meekly forcing a smile on her face.

"You see... While writing the story, I kinda didn't like the dullness on a few words so... I kind of changed the term in the book of guardian to boyfriend and girlfriend." She said.

Willow was shocked.

"Whaaaaatt!!??!!!???" Gus yelled in utter disbelief.

Luz began to laugh meekly as she scratched the back of her neck.

Willow sighed and clasped her hands in front of her face.

"You never cease to amaze us." She wheezed.

Luz continued to laugh meekly before saying, "yep, and I think they'll need to attend school too."

"Huh?" Willow and Gus chirped.

"It's not related to anything in the book but they need a place to stay and-"



Willow placed her hands on Luz's shoulder while smiling.

"I've got it... I'll take Boscha and teach her about what to do and what not to do on earth and how to attend like a normal student like us and Gus can take Mattholomule." She said.

Luz stared at Willow, speechless for a moment or two before she squealed and pulled Willow into a hug.

"¡¡¡GRACIAS!!!" She yelled.

Willow sighed under her smile while patting Luz's back.

"Well... Ok, I'll take Mattholomule and teach him everything he needs to know and how to be a normal student but... Don't you think their heights are... A little... Almost close to college?" Gus said.

Willow glanced over.

"Well, in the book, Luz mentioned their heights were to be fair, 'Tall'." She said.

Luz nodded.

"Well, it wouldn't fit the characters if they were an inch shorter than humans so I made them close to boyfriend height material??" She said.

"And the cute face?" Gus asked with a raised brow and a smirk.

"Girlfriend material!" Luz exclaimed with a fist mid-air.

Willow and Gus laughed.

"Well... Ok, we'll just help them out in getting into Hexside, I'll teach Boscha, Gus teaches Mattholomule and you teach Amity." Willow said.

And that was it.

Their deal to one another over Luz's shenanigans and problems.


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