Inroductory Letter to Ms. Vogel: About Me! (Aug 14, 2020)

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Dear Ms.Kristen

In this class well not just this class, but I'm only talking about this class right now I wanna see everyone treating each other like family. No coming into class being grumpy or having a bad attitude. No throwing a temper tantrum and throwing desks around (if your remember 1st semester block 4 last year then you know what I mean by that). Always keep your hands and feet to yourself. No bickering or talking back to the teacher or other students. Always use your inside voice when speaking unless instructed by the teacher otherwise. Most Importantly, No Talking trash or spreading rumors about another student whether they're in the room or not!

I learn best with hands- on experiences or interactive experiences. I can not learn very well in an environment where there's too many distractions or that too noisy. I work best while listening to my own music. My favorite parts of English class is that I get to see my friends and favorite teacher! My least favorite part of English class is all the work.

This semester I hope I learn to write more neatly. As well as learn to spell big words correctly, and learn new words that I've never heard before and their meanings. I also want to learn how to write in cursive. I also want to learn how to use proper grammar, I may have been taught grammar before, but I never really understood it.

Outside of school, what's important to me is spending time with my family. I love to go shopping for clothes and raiding Olley's with my mom and going to A Taste of Philly that's on 445 W General Screven Way here in hinesville with mommy, they're open Tuesday through Thursday from 11 through 5:30 PM and Friday from 11 to 7 PM so me and mommy try to go there at least once or twice a week, I love the Philly ice it's so good it's the best thing to have when you have a sore throat, my favorite favorite combination is cotton candy + banana.

 I love to go shopping for clothes and raiding Olley's with my mom and going to A Taste of Philly that's on 445 W General Screven Way here in hinesville with mommy, they're open Tuesday through Thursday from 11 through 5:30 PM and Friday from 11 t...

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I also love spending time with my dad doing crafts and going to the Hindsville library with dad and my younger brothers. I like riding bikes with my eldest brother even though he gets on my nerves most of the time (that's actually all the time). I love to spend time with my Bestie Claudia James and have teenage girl time we had a blast last time at her house (in image).

 I love to spend time with my Bestie Claudia James and have teenage girl time we had a blast last time at her house (in image)

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My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family and friends and pets. As well as watch anime and read anime fan fictions on Wattpad. Another of my favorite things to do is draw, paint, sculpt, create collages, do crafts, make handmade gifts for my friends birthdays or for mom for Mother's Day and her birthday and Christmas and for dad for his birthday and Father's Day and Christmas. I also love to sew and make baby dog clothes (by sew, I mean hand sew).

Here are some things I've done over the break, my aunt Jen came down from Michigan two weeks after my grandparents went back to Michigan from here. My aunt and I went to Goodwill and bought over 200 pieces of clothing all brand new never worn with their price tags on them. She took me to Sally's beauty supply store to get some stuff to highlight my hair (result in image).

We also went birding and I helped her with spotting some birds that you can't see up in Michigan to take pictures of

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We also went birding and I helped her with spotting some birds that you can't see up in Michigan to take pictures of. I was also reunited with my Bestie Claudia that moved away at the end of sixth grade that I haven't seen or heard from him in three years, she and me both have changed a lot since we last saw each other three years ago. So yeah, I had a lot of fun over the break! I hope you did too!

Kindly, Kaytlyn

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