The Plan in session

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Creator POV
It's been a few days since Y/N met the star sanses, there was no attack yet from the bad sanses, what were they doing?

Y/N was worried that her friend was hurt by the bad sanses, so she would panic a lot in the village. Blue and Dream would try to calm her down when ink was no where to be seen. Ink always calms her down whenever he is around

But enough of that.. you wanted to see the plan happen right? You want to see nightmare with you right? Then let's get to it!

I've been sitting and staring at the tree of feelings for a very long time, I can feel someone's presence while staring. It's not like they're there but I can feel them staring at me somewhere.

I heard a portal open "Y/N!" Ink shouted as he ran to me, I of course was shocked, did he found them?

"The bad sanses are starting an attack in outertale!" Ink shouted again as he took his breath, "I need to calm down sometimes heh.."

"Let's get Dream and blue here so we can discuss about this." I said as I ran away to find them.
"Alright! Let's get em!" Blue said courageously as he stood up from a chair and putted his fists up. "Blue we need to think about a plan remember?" Dream said in a chair next to him

"But we have to save Y/Ns frisk! Who knows what they're doing to him in their base!" (don't think dirty please.)

I was thinking while they were talking. What if we save the outertale folks from the bad sanses without being noticed then follow them back to their base! It's a crappy plan but it might work!

"Guys I got a plan!" I shouted, they all look at me waiting to hear my plan.
"That might work Y/N." Ink said proudly as he looked at me like I'm the leader. Alright! Let's get to it!

We went outside of the house we were in, and ink created a portal to outertale, I kinda almost transformed into my fox form.

I just need the claws and paws to be quiet and do damage, the magic only pushes back or shows light, I can't use magic to harm so I just have to use claws.

Though this makes me shorter, probably up to blueberries hight, which is good! I'll be stealth now.

The star sanses jumped through the now made portal from ink, soon me. And we were in space? Uh...

This gives me some bad memories in my past. Oh shake it off Y/N! You're in the present now, that was just in the past.

Creator POV

The star sanses look around for anyone in sight, while you were walking or uh.. floating away from them in a swimming formation.

"Y/N! Where are you going?!" Dream said shocked, "We gotta look! Not stare!" You shouted back far away from them already, your a good floater.

The star sanses then follow you, kinda slow though, because blue doesn't know how to float around like Dream and ink.

After floating around for a while you saw blue strings and X marks around the place. Despite it being space...

"What the heck happened?" Y/N said shocked, "The bad sanses.." ink said as he looked around. "They must be still here, I can feel my brothers aura." Dream said cautious as he looked around fast.

Blue strings then shoot out from above, "Watch out!" Blue said as he pulled you, ink, and Dream back.

'Blue strings!' Ink said in his head as he looked up to see Error and nightmare floating before them, 'where's cross?!' Ink shouted in his head panicking.

"Looks like we were caught." Y/N said as she looked up with ink, pure hatred in her eyes. You can see some hate drip out of her left eye.

"Damn right you were." A Error skeleton said, "So Frisk was right. You Kitsunes do exist." Nightmare said. Dream and blue backed up and ready their magic, you and ink stood your ground.

"I believe you have something from one of my lackeys Y/N." Nightmare said as he looked at you, glaring a little. "Oh you mean this?" You reached in your backpack and pulled out a red scarf, or rather dusts scarf.

"First you tell me where frisks is!" You shouted, Nightmare felt negative energy from you. He chuckled, "You will never find him." Nightmare said as he lashed out a tentacle at you.

You and ink dodge from it since you guys were next to each other. "Wait how do you know my name?!" You said shocked, "Your little friend told you about us, we're gonna need that little power of yours." Error said.

"Definitely." A voice said behind you and the star sanses, there stood cross with a giant red knife in his hand, 'That must've explained the Xs' you said in your head.

While you were distracted, error shot blue strings down towards you. "Y/N!" Blue said as he reached out towards you, Dream and ink then noticed too, "NOO!" All of them said as you were caught and pulled up towards error.

Nightmare, Error, and Cross then fled...
leaving the star sanses panicked...

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