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~Yoongi's POV~

"Hyung! Hyung!" Jungkook yelled running over to me and the others "Yes?" We all asked in unison "Taehyung snatched my cupcake away" "I did not!" "Yes you did!" "Did not!" "Did to!" "Did not!" "Did to!" "Enough!" Jin yelled "Taehyung give Jungkook his cupcake back" "But I-" "Taehyung now!" He demanded, Taehyung sighed and gave Kook his cupcake back "Now apologize" Namjoon piped "I'm sorry for taking your cupcake" Tae apologized "And I'm sorry for drinking your energy drink and blaming it on Jimin" Jungkook spilled "You did what?!" Tae yelled and started chasing him around Jin's backyard "Kids" Hoseok chuckled. Namjoon looked over at me "Yoongi" I looked at him "Yeah?" "What's up? You haven't said anything since we got here" "Yeah, he's right. Are you okay?" Jin asked "Yeah, I'm okay. I just been tired" I shrugged "You would tell us what's wrong right?" Joon asked "Yeah of course" I nodded.

I stayed over until it was 6:30pm and decided to go to a little dine around the corner, sitting far away from the other customers. "Hey, can I get you anything?" A waitress asked holding a notepad "Cup of coffee alot of cream and sugar" I answered not bothering to look up at her "Want any food?" "No" I mumbled "Okay" She replied and walked away. I took my backpack off and unzipped it taking out a pencil and notebook "Here you go" The waitress put my cup down with my cream and sugars "Thanks" I slid her a $20 "Keep the change" I told her "God bless you" She left "Still waiting on that" I mumbled to myself, opening my notebook to a clean fresh page, and pulling out my phone plugging my earbuds into my phone and began playing beats I made and writing down lyrics.

20 minutes turned into 30...30 turned into an hour...an hour turned into 2...

"Hey...Hey sir" I heard a faded voice pipe "Mmm" I moaned "B, he's not waking up and I got to get home to my kids" The waitress who took my order piped "Don't worry. It's my night to close up so go on home to your little ones and I'll take care of him okay?" Another voice piped "Oh, you're such a saint. Be safe and careful" "Will do" I heard footsteps and a door closed. I felt someone sit down in front of me. "Wow, a notebook. I wonder what's in here" I felt my notebook slowly get pulled from under my arm. THUD! I slammed my hand down on top of the strangers hand and slowly looked up at her only showing my eyes "Don't touch my notebook" I demanded "Well good morning sunshine did you nap well?" The girl smiled sarcastically at me. I sat up looking down at my notebook "Why are you here?" I asked "I work here and we're closed" She informed "What time is it?" "It's" She checked her watch "1:30am" My eyes widen 'Shit! Dad's gonna kill me!' "I gotta go" I rushed putting mu notebook and pencil into my bag and grabbed my phone scooting out of the booth, she followed my actions, "Do you need a ride? I can give you- Oh God!" She gasped as I accidentally bumped into her making me drop my stuff everywhere "Shit" "Oh hun I'm so sorry" She apologized as we got on our knees and grabbed my stuff putting them into my bag. Our hands touched grabbing my laptop. We looked up at one another, locking eyes. She gasped, "Y-Your face" She touched my cheek "Who did this to you?" She asked. I panicked! I quickly put my laptop in my bag, smacked her hand away, and ran out of the diner.

I pulled out to my housekey and unlocked the door quickly getting  in. I closed the door and turned around to head upstairs but got greeted with a sucker punch to the face "Aahh" I fell to the floor rubbing my jaw "You dumb excuse of a son!" My dad yelled "It's way past your curfew!" He stomped on my leg "AHH!" I screamed "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled and picked up a beet bottle smashing it over my head and continuing to beat me for what felt like hours...

After a few more beatings he left the house. I sighed and limped up to my room entering the bathroom. I looked more fucked up than ever! I checked my head for any pieces of glass which was clear until I looked at my ear that was covered in blood and saw three pieces of glass stuck on the top of it "Not again" I sighed out opening the cabinet pulling out the rubbing alcohol, small pliers, and band-aid. I pulled out the pieces and poured a little bit of alcohol on my ear and then bandaging it. I looked at myself in the mirror. "You're a disgrace" I told myself and then walked out laying on my bed and pulled out my phone out of my pocket. 'Wait! Something's not right here!' I sat up on my bed and inspected the red cased phone "Please tell me" I mumbled clicking the lock button to see the lock screen pop up with the waitress I bumped into and six other girls "I have her phone?!" Son of a bitch!

~B's POV~

(This is B)

I entered my apartment that I shared with my cousin and his girlfriend

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I entered my apartment that I shared with my cousin and his girlfriend. I hung up my keys and jacket and went into my room beginning to change into my p.j.'s Knock! Knock! "Come in!" I lightly yelled fixing my shirt. The door opened revealing my cousin "Hey, why did you come home late? Are you okay?" He asked sitting on my bed, I sighed, "Can I be real with you?" I turned to him "Of course" He shrugged "I think this stranger is going through something" "What do you mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows "Well, he came in the diner with his hood covering his eyes and then when closing time came around... it was like he was in a rush and we bumped into each other and"  I pictured his bruised face "H-He was hurt" "What kind of hurt?" "Lip busted, bruised cheek, cut on his eyebrow" I sighed "Hobi, I think his parents are abusing him" Hobi stood up and came over to me "B, you can't just jump to conclusions about a stranger you just met. Try to get close to him and see if you can help him" He said "I'm gonna save him" "We raised you well" We hugged. He pulled away and kissed my forehead "Get some sleep. You got work tomorrow" He said and walked out of my room. "Oh Lord let me charge my phone so I can tell the girls what had happen" I piped to myself and pulling my phone out putting it on the charger. I turned the lights off and climbed into bed 'Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!' "What the hell!?" I mumbled sitting up in the bed "Who's blowing me up?" I piped grabbing my phone and pressing the power button looking at the lock screen that had a picture of a boy and his mother. I gasped, "I  have his phone!"

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