Party Party Yeah!

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~B's POV~

He opened the door. "What are you doing?" He asked "Can I come in?" "Uh, yeah" He opened the door, letting me in "Thank you" I stepped in and sat on his couch "B, what are you doing here?" He asked again "I need to know why you told Hoseok about us" He sighed "B, come on now" "No Tae, why did you?" "I was drunk I had no control over what I was saying or doing" He told me "Taehyung, you take one sip of liquor and you don't drink no more so stop lying to me" I called him out "Ugh" "So tell me the truth Taehyung" "Fine! I was upset over the fact that you were having a thing with Yoongi Hyung and I was upset with myself because I ended things with you" He revealed "You shouldn't be upset with yourself because you chose to end it. You had a reason" "I didn't want to lose one of my best friends. Even though he forgave me I promised him that it will never happen again and that I'll never be alone with you in a room ever again" He told me "Taehyung, I moved on from the pain" "I know! And I have too, and I'm ready to settle down into a relationship" He sat on his coffee table "Maybe I can help" "How?" "I have 6 other friends that are single. I can hook you up with one" I shrugged "I'd like that. Thanks B" He smiled "You're welcome" I nodded "Well, I gotta get going" I stood up and so did he "Oh, already?" He asked "Yeah, we're all going out tonight so get dressed at 7pm" I told him "Yes ma'am" He saluted leading me to the door. I turned to him "I'm glad I spent my years with you Taebear" I ruffled his brown hair "See you later" I winked and walked out the door.


~Yoongi's POV~

"She still hasn't told me where we're going" I sighed Probably stood you up AGUST chuckled "Shut the fuck up" I threw a pillow at him but it went through his body Stupid fuck He flipped me off "Dick" I mumbled. Knock! Knock! Knock! "Come in!" I yelled, B came in "Thought you wasn't gonna come back" I told her. "Well, I had to see if everyone was free. Which they are" "Okay, so where are we going?" I asked "We're going clubbing" "C-Clubbing?" She nodded "So get ready. We're meeting everyone in front of the club" She pecked my lips "See you in  a bit" She left the room, closing the door behind her. Ohh clubbing sounds fun "I'm not going" What, why? "I never went to a club a day in my life" So go tonight "No, I don't know what to do at a club" I have an idea "What is it?" Don't ask questions just take a quick shower, brush your teeth, and leave the rest to me "Fine" I mumbled going into the bathroom and starting the shower.


"Okay, I'm out. Now what?" I asked shrugging You're going to sleep for a few hours "What are you talking about?" He stepped towards me I'm entering your body "You're not entering shit! I support LGBTQ but I'm not having you enter your dick in my ass" Not that kind of enter you pig fucker! I mean enter your body spiritually "I don't underst-" I'm taking control of your body "AGUST, you can't" Do you want to go clubbing or not? "Well I-" Too late He dashed into my body making me stumble back "What the hell!" Sleep I held onto the sink counter as I felt very lightheaded, my eyes rolled into the back of my head.


I opened my eyes and lifted my head up to look in the mirror. I leaned my head to the side, 

 I leaned my head to the side, 

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