She's Exposed

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There's total silence. Blood everywhere. The bullet grazed Hoseok's arm. B laid on the floor with the knife deep into her stomach and the gun laying beside her "B!" Taehyung ran to her side, she was gasping for air "B, stay with us!" Hobi crawled towards them and sat up holding her "Come on Baby don't die on us" He pleaded. I walked towards the three looking down at B's almost lifeless body feeling no remorse, no sympathy for my actions. "Baby stay" Tae whined, tears forming his eyes. B was about to say  something until her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she became limp in Hoseok's arms "No no no no no" Hoseok repeated "Baby, Baby. Angel come on" He lightly smacked her face "Baby!" He yelled crying. She was gone. "FUCK!" Taehyung put his head in his hands breaking down.

-3 Weeks later-

~Yoongi's POV~

I stood from afar as the boys and B's friends stood in front of the hole that she was getting laid in. I watched everyone cry until I felt a presence stand next to me. I turned to see who it was... It was Hoseok. "I see you're not with the others" He piped "I didn't really know B like the others"  "They don't know her either" He spilled "What do you mean?" I asked "Her real name was Angel" "She told me it was Crybaby" He shook his head "That's a cover up. She lied about her name being B" "Why? Angel is a beautiful name. I don't understand why she would hate it" "Her dad raped her every night. Her mom knew about it and whenever she told her, her mom would call her a crybaby" "Hoseok, she said her parents exe-" "Executed one another. Yeah, that's bullshit" He chuckled in disbelief "What happened?" I asked "They fell asleep, she found her dads gun and blew their fucking brains out" He plainly said "Fucking shit" I breathed out. "Remember that guy that was found dead at the club?" I nodded "She did that" "Jesus fucking Christ" I shook my head "I had to cover up her tracks for years Hyung. I'm not even upset that she's officially gone. It gets tiring after a while" He revealed "I bet. I'm sorry that I killed her" I apologized once again "It's okay. You basically freed me" He said "Thank you Hyung" "I guess you're welcome" I side smiled.

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