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*At the Club*

~B's POV~

I walked away from Yoongi and made my way towards the bathroom. As I was making my way towards the bathroom a strange guy bumped into me "Hey!" I yelled "Oh shit! Darling I'm sorry" He apologized "It's fine" I assured him "Woah! What's a pretty young lady doing here by herself?" He asked "I'm not alone. I'm here with some friends and my boyfriend" I told him "Oh, well where are you headed?" He asked "To the bathroom" I told him "Well, in return for bumping into you I'll walk you back to your boyfriend" He offered "Oh no you don't have to" "No, I insist" He smiled "Okay, wait here' I smiled and went into the bathroom and did my business..

I washed my hands, dried them off, and walked out the bathroom. "You ready?" He asked, I nodded. "Follow me" I got in front of him and started leading him to Yoongi.

A few more feet and we would reach Yoongi. "Thanks for walking m-" I got cut off by the strangers hand covering my mouth. He opened a door and dragged me out slinging me into a wall that was across the door. We're in an alley. "What the fuck is your problem?" I asked "Bitches like you are my problem!" He yelled "Coming into this club dressing sexy. Acting like you don't want to be touched but deep down you do" He grabbed himself "You were so easy" He punched me in the jaw "Stop" I mumbled "You're such a slut" He punched me in the jaw again "Stop!" I yelled but he ignored me and threw me on the ground, standing above me, touching himself, "You're gonna feel so damn good" He moaned out unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, pulling them down "No" I shook my head as he got on top of me "No!" "Stop your bitching and take this dick!" He demanded "NO!" I screamed "I said stop your bitching!" He slammed my head on the ground three times making my vision blur and my ears ring. He triggered me. "No" I growled. He was focused on trying to take my jeans off. I looked beside me and saw a brick, I grabbed it and hit him on the head knocking him off of me. I crawled on top of him "You like that?" I asked hitting him with the brick again "Please stop" He begged "Shut up and take this brick" I demanded hitting him in the nose "AAAHHH!" He cried out kicking his legs around "Stoooppp!" He cried, his voice cracking. I threw the brick down and picked up a sharp wooden plank "No more sluts for you" I laughed as I stabbed him in the dick multiple times "Who's the easy one now?" I smiled big continuing to do this...Until I got caught. "B!" I looked up at the person who called my name "Oh my God! What did you do?!" He asked looking at the stranger in shock "Hobi"  I piped "Get off of him" He commanded, I listened to him, "Fucking hell B! You promised this wouldn't happen again" He scolded me "He was going to rape me Hobi" I told him "Where's the weapon?" He asked "The brick and this" I held the plank up "We're going home" He picked up the brick and grabbed my wrist, guiding me to his car. We got in and he pulled his phone out calling someone. "Kamie, listen. I'm gonna take B to the apartment... She's okay, she was throwing up a lot so I'm gonna take her home. Tell Yoongi so he doesn't freak out...Okay, love you too, bye" He hung up the phone and looked at me "You're covered in blood B" "He deserved it" I plainly said "Absolutely" He agreed starting the car and driving to the apartment.


"Yoongi!" Kamie yelled coming towards me "What?" I asked "B left with Hoseok, she wasn't feeling well" She told me "Babygirl cant hold her liquor" I chuckled shaking my head "She usually can but I guess not tonight" Kamie shrugged "She'll be good as new in the morning" I assured her "I hope" "She will. Now, drink with me" I handed her a shot glass, she gladly took it "Cheers" Cheers" We clinked then took a shot "Damn, that burns" Kamie put her hand over her heart "Those are the best kinds of liquor" I told her "I guess" She smiled...

~B's POV~

We entered the apartment. "Give me the plank" He snatched it out of my hand "Strip out o your clothes" He snapped his fingers. I took my clothes off "Shower" I turned around and headed into my room, into the bathroom.

I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror "You have to stop" I told myself "No more B...No more. You were doing so good. Keep it up" I lastly said and changed into my pajamas while Hoseok worked his magic.


"See you guys next time" Sam waved "You too!" Kamie waved back as we headed to B's car "I'll drive" I told her "Good idea" She got into the passenger seat "Always" I mumbled starting the car and going home. "She makes you happy?" Kamie piped "B does make me happy" "That's good. You both deserve happiness" "Don't we all deserve happiness?" I asked "We do. But, some people mainly deserve hell because of how they treat others" "Those fuckers deserve to die... Suffer to be exact" I gripped the steering wheel remembering those times that me and Yoongi were suffering miserably "Justice will come soon" Kamie said looking out her window "Too late for that" I mumbled smiling to myself.

We arrived at home and entered the apartment. "Thanks for bringing me back safe and sound" Kamie thanked me "No problem" I took my shoes off "Goodnight Yoongi" "Goodnight Kamie" I went into Yoongi's room and laid down on his bed. I closed my eyes and left his body. I looked at him as his eyes shot open and he was catching his breath You're back I smiled "How long were you gone?" He asked About 3 hours I shrugged "It felt like years" He sat up That's how it's suppose to feel I told him "I didn't see or hear anything You were asleep "I get that" He shook his head "What happened?" Nothing, B couldn't hold her liquor "Wow, even I can hold my liquor" Shut up! I'm resting for tonight don't call me I faded away for tonight.

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