Hyung Pt. 2

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~Yoongi's POV~

"What... Why... Oh my God" Was all that Hobi could say "How do you know my cousin for  you to be all over here?!" He asked 'Cousin? She's his cousin!' "You're the cousin?" I asked "Yes, I'm the cousin!" "You know each other?" B asked looking back and forth between us "Yeah B, we do. This is my other friend you never got to meet well, I thought you didn't get to meet. That's Suga" He pointed at me. Time stopped for her and she slowly looked at me "Y-You're Suga?" I nodded "Only the boys call me that" I told her "I- Why didn't you tell me that you knew Hobi?" "Because I didn't know that you were his cousin B I swear" I ran my hand through my hair "Can someone explain to me how you two know each other" Hobi piped, she took a deep breath "Hoseok, remember that night I came home late because I bumped into someone that I thought was being abused?" She asked "Yeah" He nodded "Turns out it's Yoongi who I bumped into" 'She told him about me?!' "T-That's impossible Yoongi hyung's never been abused right? Tell her you have never been abused Hyung" He was starting to panic, I stayed quiet, "Hyung" "I'm sorry Hobi, I can't keep lying anymore" "Anymore? W-What are you trying to say?" "I have been abused for years now" I revealed. I can tell his heart dropped, he shook his head "NO" "I'm sorry I should've told you all before" I began to feel guilty "Is that why you always have cuts and bruises all over your face and you limp sometimes?" I nodded "Fucking hell" Hobi sighed out "Yoongi, I think you should go out to your friends and tell them everything" B advised "You think I should?" I asked "You need to and they deserve to know the truth" 'She was right' I sighed "Okay" I mumbled "Hobi go wait outside so he can get dressed and talk to you and the boys" She piped to him "Alright" He nodded leaving the room "So you know everybody. Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, even Taehyung?" She asked" Yeah, I do" I got up and put some clothes on

 "Well fuck" She sighed out "What?" I asked "Nothing" "I'll see you later?" "I'll be waiting" I went over to her and pecked her lips "I appreciate you" "I appreciate you too" I walked out the room

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 "Well fuck" She sighed out "What?" I asked "Nothing" "I'll see you later?" "I'll be waiting" I went over to her and pecked her lips "I appreciate you" "I appreciate you too" I walked out the room. "You have a lot of explaining to do with me and the boys" He said grabbing his keys "No kidding" I put my head down as we walked out of the apartment and into his car going to Jin's place.

"What's this about that you had to call me during my free time?" Taehyung asked Hoseok "Yoongi hyung has something he wants to get off his chest. Tell them Hyung" "Tell us what?" Jimin asked, I sighed, "The bruises and cuts aren't from me fighting" I revealed "Where's it from then?" Joon asked "My da. He's been beating me for as long as I can remember" I spilled making them gasp "Why didn't you tell us?" Jin asked "I wanted to but every time I'm around you all I look over at the young ones and remember how I need to stay strong for them because they look up to us" I told him "Hyung, we don't want you to get hurt. You should've told us and we could've helped you" Jungkook piped "It's okay Kookie. I got help and I'm doing a lot better" I told him "How did you get help?" Taehyung asked "B. Hobi's cousin" "You know B?" Jin asked "Yes, but I didn't know that they were related. I always snuck through the window cause I didn't want her cousin to see me" "How did you meet her?" "Bumped into her at a diner she woks at and we grabbed each others phone. Then the second time I was coming to see Taehyung but I noticed B walking towards the elevator and I grabbed her wrist and handed her phone back and...she saw my face and brought me to the apartment and she took care of me" I revealed "Seems like she was taking care of you a bit too much" Hobi piped "What do you mean" Joon asked "Hobi I didn't know she was your cousin or else I wouldn't have kissed her" "You did what?!" Taehyung asked jumping up to his feet "Tae chill, I know you and B are close but relax" Jin calmed him "Hyung, you were on top of her shirtless as well" Hobi reminded me "I know! You don't have to remind me!" I told him "Guys, I gotta go. I need some fresh air trying to process Yoongi's life" Tae said "Okay get some rest!" Jin told him "Yeah" He left the house "Is there anything else you want to tell us?" Jin asked "About my uncle"... 

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