chapter sixty five

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Heiji chewed her lip as she sat down across from the man, the whole situation was a bit too formal for her liking.

"What's wrong?" She asked with confidence, although she was lacking.

Hyunjae looked up at her, something sparkled in his eyes but Heiji couldn't tell these days if it was the usual twinkle of admiration or something worse. "Are you going to the wedding?"

"Yes," she nods her head slowly. "Why, aren't you?"

"I can't," he says simply, looking rather sad. "They want me to take the class on a trip that whole week, I can't even refuse."

"Why can't another teacher take them?" Heiji asks, her words trailing off followed by a sigh.

"I can't let a biology teacher take my physics class," he shakes his head. "Then my work and teaching for the year would be down the drain."

"It's just a trip?" Heiji shrugs, her words sounding more like a question.

"Think of it as physics camp," Hyunjae chuckles. "I wouldn't be back until the Friday night. I can't fly to Canada for the Saturday, I'd practically miss everything."

"Shit," she drops her head as the man sighs. "I'm sorry, Hyunjae."

"I'm the sorry one," he says sadly. "You're lucky you got cover for that day."

"I am," Heiji chuckles. "But don't be sorry or feel bad, it isn't your fault. I'm sure they'll understand that it can't be helped. They knew having a wedding in Canada that people would find it more difficult to be there."

"I guess," the man shrugs. "I still feel bad."

"I told you it can't be helped," Heiji reiterates, as the man looks up at her.

"I feel bad for you, having to go without me," he pouts dramatically, making Heiji chuckle.

"I don't know how I'll survive," she places a hand on her forehead, and one clutching her heart.

She walked by the table, walking towards the classroom door to pop next door to place her lunch dishes in the washer, but the man snaked a hand around her waist, attempting to pull her down towards him.

"Hyunjae," Heiji swatted his hand, truthfully making the man disappointed although the whole thing seemed a joke, like fun. "Someone could see."

"No ones there," he shrugs, his hand still on her waist. She reluctantly leans down to kiss his head before pulling away, making him sigh.

He watched as she walked away so casually, as though she didn't know she was breaking his heart.

He couldn't deny that things were different, although she remained remotely affectionate and she never verbally announced anything was different.

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