Chapter 10: Ava on Limited Sleep

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"You're joking. You actually did it?" Tati exclaimed as I joined her and her sister at breakfast. I had only just sat down when Sam asked me how my potions exam went.

"Here's my schedule for proof." Sam took the parchment before her sister had a chance and began to scan.

"It seems like your potion's class goes over our scheduled charms class. Guess you're taking charms with the Gryffindors this year. Ginny'll be happy."

"Wait, seriously?" I asked, glancing up from the midst of buttering toast. Sam gave me a hazy glance.

"Of course you haven't looked at your own schedule yet. How stereotypical of you."

"You try functioning after an intense two hour potions test and then talk to me about reading something as tedious as a schedule." Sam nodded fairly at my point before sliding my schedule back. Tati, who was listening quietly while eating a bowl of oatmeal, stole a glance at the parchment.

"Does this mean you'll have to take a potions O.W.L now? What with being in a fifth-year potions I mean," she added hastily as I cast her a dubious look. I turned to Sam who gave me the same expression.


"I don't know. He never said," I explained with rising anxiety. "Merlin, if I have to take an O.W.L I should have just stayed back a year in the class."

"You'll be fine. Think about it. You'll have one less O.W.L then the rest of us next year."

"Not helping," I muttered before taking a massive gulp of coffee and glancing at my schedule. I cursed at what I saw for my day.

"Double potions? Oh for the love of-"

"Isn't it a bit early to be cursing at the table? Classiness aside, shouldn't you be powdering your nose and drinking tea with your pinky raised?" I gave my brother a long stare as he approached and joined us. Noticing the tired look in my glare, my brother chuckled.

"Whatever will you do without your beauty sleep? Mamen would riot."

"She took a potions final at six this morning," Sam explained with a slanted smile as my brother took the leftover Danish off Sam's plate and ate it in a bite.

"No kidding." He turned on me, licking his fingers. "How'd it go?"

"What do you think? I was amazing," I explained with little gusto. My brother's brow rose skeptically but remained silent.

"She'll have class with Malfoy," Sam added slyly making me give her a look. Theo gave a low whistle before turning to my toast like a hungry hound.

"You touch my toast, you die," I warned, angling my butter knife at him. He frowned, but retreated from my plate.

"You're a real grouch on limited sleep, you know that?" I gave him a sarcastic grin before taking a massive bite out of my toast. Sam was watching this interaction with a growing smile. She always enjoyed watching the Fountaine siblings.

"Well, have fun with potions. The potion's O.W.L was the absolute worst. And I pride myself in thinking that I was a master in that class." Theo went on, looking at me wearily.

"Did Snape ever say that to you?" I asked curiously. Theo looked as if my question was stupid.

"Course not. Snape doesn't compliment anyone."

"He did to me," I gloated happily before turning to my coffee. Lowering the mug, I saw both Sam and Theo giving me matching looks of surprise.

"Don't tell me he complimented your handbag-"

Rise of the Death Eaters [3]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora