Chap. 2

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His mind was racing when he pulled into the hospital parking lot. Did something happen to Tae? Was he hurt? Is he okay? Or was one of the guys hurt? His mind went with the latter, only for the fact that IF Tae WAS hurt, he would've been the first person they called, not his friends. When he entered the cold building, the overwhelming smell of air freshener mixed with cleaning products took over his nose. Before stopping at the receptionist desk, he looked around to see if he could see any of his hyungs, but he didn't. He walked to the desk to ask what floor or room they were on, but before he could ask her anything, he heard his name being called.

"Jungkook". He looked in the direction of the familiar voice. That's when he noticed Jimin walking towards him, he had a warm and welcoming smile on his face. But once he came closer, his eyes told a different story.

"Jimin, what's wrong? Is anyone hurt?" he asked as they hugged.

"I'll let Jin hyung tell you everything" Jimin told him, his voice on the verge of cracking. Jungkook looked at him up and down, he could tell that Jimin had been crying, but for what reason? Did something happen to Yoongi? Impossible. He thought, Yoongi was tough, nothing could hurt or stop him, not even death. So why are we all gathered here? He asked himself.

    Soon, Jimin and Jungkook made their way to a private waiting area. Jungkook could've sworn that the room seemed like it from the movies, you know where they ask the family members to gather when something is bad. But he shook the thought out of his head. No one's hurt right? Everyone is okay, right? Yes, everyone is okay. Maybe they just requested a private area. Right? Jungkook asked himself. When they entered, he scanned the room; Jin, Joon, Yoongi, Jimin, Hobi and myself made six. Where's Tae?? So it WAS him. Okay, JK don't panic, it's okay. He said to himself.

"Where's Tae?" he asked, hoping that whatever reason he was here for wasn't serious.

"Kookie...Jungkook," Jin said putting his arm around him, "Kook, Tae...Tae isn't with us anymore." Jin's voice became unstable as he finished his sentence.

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