Chap. 6

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"Jungkook, what are you talking about? Who didn't need to check on you? Are you okay? You look sick? Wait, HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING?!" the familiar face just kept bombarding him with questions. Jungkook stood there frozen. No. No. No. Nooooooo! Just WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

The man in front of him reached out to grab his shoulders. Jungkook flinched.

"Kookie, wha-what's wrong? Baby?" the man asked but Jungkook couldn't find his words. I'm clearly out of my mind. This man looks just like Tae. but how? I saw his body myself. He was dead. But now, he's standing in front of me? I'm so lost and confused.

"Who are you?" it was the only thing Jungkook managed to get out. He stepped back, looking at the guy sideways.

"What do you mean, "who am I?" I'm your boyfriend, that's who," the mystery guy stepped forward, with a concerned look on his face.

"No you're not. My boyfriend is dead. I saw his body. But. No. You aren't Tae. You can't be," Jungkook said shaking his head frantically. Stepping back even further. He was scared. He didn't know what was going on. Who is this man and why is he pretending to be his beloved Tae?

"Dead? But Kookie, I'm right here? Baby, what's the matter with you?" the guy asked.

"The-then if you're really Kim Taehyung, aka MY DEAD BOYFRIEND, tell me how, when, where, date and time I asked you to be my boyfriend? Hmm, I bet you can't do that!" Jungkook shouted at him.

The mystery guy stood there for a moment, dumbfounded by everything his "boyfriend" was doing. But nevertheless, he did what Jungkook wanted.

"Okay, I don't see how that'll prove I'm YOUR ALIVE AND BREATHING BOYFRIEND, but okay," he took a deep breath, "you called me on a Friday and asked was I busy. I said no and then you asked could we meet at that nice cafe across from Seoul University. We met and hugged each other like every other time, but I could tell something was up, you were EXTREMELY nervous. We went inside and ordered drinks. After taking our seats, we talked for awhile but the conversation was going nowhere, so we were pretty much quiet the whole time. I had just received a notification from Twitter™. At the same time, you blurted out "Tae will you be my boyfriend?" the time was exactly 11:39a.m. anything else you wanna know?". Jungkook was taken aback, only the real Tae would know all of those details. His head was starting to hurt from the confusion and frustration.

"Tae." His voice was shaky. Was this really his boyfriend standing in front of him?

"Yes, Kookie?" the man answered.

"Is it really you?" Jungkook was on the verge of crying again.

"Yes" he answered, "It's really me. Now mind telling me what all this was about?". He ran to the man and wrapped his arms around him, crying heavily as the man held him.

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